UPSIZE PH | 5 Self-Decluttering Tips to Improve Your Work Efficiency

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5 Self-Decluttering Tips to Improve Your Work Efficiency

5 Self-Decluttering Tips to Improve Your Work Efficiency

Some might say that a messy table signifies a creative and efficient mind, however, it isn’t always the case. Especially for those people who like clean and organized spaces where you don’t see clutter everywhere or lose the items that you really need but can’t seem to find.

Here are some tips on how you can declutter to improve your work efficiency:

Set the time

If you’re quite the busy person then it’s crucial that you’re motivated into setting the time to clean and organize your space-otherwise it just won’t happen and keep being pushed back to a later date. Don’t feed the temptation of doing something tomorrow when you can perfectly well do it right now a chance to rear its ugly head.


Fight the nostalgia

Often do we talk ourselves into keeping certain items that are a huge amount of clutter just because we give into nostalgia. For example, keeping a piece of scrap paper because it was there at a precious moment is not good, what further use does that paper have? Keeping clutter just because it was a part of our memories should be kept for a strict few, you can’t keep everything.


Be creative

If you feel confined to a small space that you can’t fit anything in, don’t fret and instead use the power of imagination. Give your creative side some time to shine and DIY some workable spaces and containers that are pleasing to look at and cost-effective in providing you more storage space.


Start with a clean slate

It’s a great and satisfying feeling to start with a clean space and the knowledge that you organized everything to be in a specific place-making it much easier to find certain items when in need. It boosts your confidence and it makes every space much easier on the eyes and less of a germ-filled habitat with dust bunnies popping up all around.



When sorting through bits and pieces of items or treasured mementos, you realized that you’ve come a long way from who you were in the past- you’ve changed into the person you are right now and acknowledging this feels great! A little blast from the past is beneficial for our self-esteem every once in a while.


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