UPSIZE PH | 4 Signs You Need to Already Need to Take Some Time Off

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4 Signs You Need to Already Need to Take Some Time Off

4 Signs You Need to Already Need to Take Some Time Off

It’s like a whirlwind on most days where we got so wrapped up in doing our own thing whether it be with school or work that we forget that we’re only human ourselves. We need to take some time to rest and recuperate from our hectic schedules, taking time off isn’t something to be taken lightly.

Going full throttle and not taking a break will have you crashing and falling before you even know it, and don’t wait until that happens and start watching out for these signs that you should call a time-out:

1. Frequent Headaches

One of the most often cause of headaches is overactivity, doing too much without a period of rest causes a lot of strain in the brain that will eventually end up biting you in the butt. When it has take note that this sign could lead to more problems in the future with regards to health and productivity.


2. Increase of fatigue

Undoubtedly the most common sign that you’re wearing yourself out is feeling sluggish all the time and fatigue. Too stoked on a project on work that you can’t get out from? Classes keeping you up all time to study? These are all normal things to be concerned about, however, so is your health and keeping a balanced mind in order to well in school and work.


If even a 24-hour break seems unimaginable then do 5-minute break when working, give your brain some time to breathe when doing a hefty load of work in small intervals.

3. Memory loss

Can be caused by sleep deprivation and anxiety, both in this case is prevalent in stressful situations and often we add on to this problem by feeling frustrated when our memory isn’t functioning that way that we want it to. 


However, it’s normal for people to forget things every once in awhile when distraction occurs but  when you notice it becoming a recurring problem that’s a sign you need to stop what you’re doing and take a breather before you burn yourself out and end up in a big mess later.

4. A feeling of confusion and loneliness

Being too busy to have time to socialize and let your emotions loose is counterproductive. You’re not built like a robot to keeping working till bedtime, people need human interaction to feel refreshed and recharged we might not realize it but we strive in a community.


Often when we go long periods without meaningful human interaction we feel depressed and lonely which leads to lower motivation and productivity.

If you got at least one or two of these signs happening, you better give yourself some time off and get some rest. You need to take a break every once in a while.

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