UPSIZE PH | 4 Signs You're Probably Going Through a Quarter Life Crisis

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4 Signs You're Probably Going Through a Quarter Life Crisis

4 Signs You're Probably Going Through a Quarter Life Crisis

Chances are if you’re somewhere between mid-twenties and thirties, you’ll go through a low point in your life where anything is everything but easy and simple. A quarter life crisis is normal and it’s a journey of discovery because you’ll question your identity, purpose, and how to effectively transition as you enter a new chapter in your life.

Change is never easy but if you’re having doubts about whether or not what you’re going through right now is a quarter life crisis, check out these signs:

Questioning what’s more to life than what you already have

Do you find yourself going about your usual routine at work and you have these inexplicable moments wherein you think “There’s got to be more to life than just doing this?”. You’re unhappy and unsatisfied with your current state and you drift off to wonder what more is there for you to do.


You’re willing to pay a lot of money for some clarity

Desperation is a cruel thing and when you’ve hit that low, you’ll do anything to get out of it. When going through a quarter-life crisis, direction and clarity are hard to find because you’re so confused at what to do, you wouldn’t know where to begin- so much so that you’re willing to fork over money to pay someone to help you out.


You’ve lost your sense of determination and satisfaction

It doesn’t come easily to feel satisfied with your work as compared to before, you feel stuck and unmotivated to do your job. You might even turn into a mindless zombie just following a mundane and boring routine every day for 24 hours and 365 days in a year, who wants to do that?


You ask yourself either of the following questions every day

You know you’re going through a quarter-life crisis when you constantly ask yourself these questions:

“When is life going to feel like it's supposed to?”
“Am I ever going to feel like myself again?”

You look at a dog or cat and think “I wish I had your life” with a great big sigh.


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