UPSIZE PH | 2 Simple Anti-Aging Product Combos You Can Confidently Use

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2 Simple Anti-Aging Product Combos You Can Confidently Use

2 Simple Anti-Aging Product Combos You Can Confidently Use

If there’s one thing I should have probably done earlier, I would say that would be having an anti-ageing regimen to prevent those wrinkles and large pores that can be a tell-tale sign of age. Really there’s no short cut to an anti-ageing routine and there’s no wonder product for wrinkles in an instant.

But just to let you in on some products skin care junkies can try, here are some picks; care to include them in your summer skin care routine or make your own fab list:

Sunflower Beauty Oil Luxe by Human Nature + Natural Rose Water Facial Mist by Bulgarian Rose

These two products go well together for the face or on skin. Sunflower Beauty Oil can be used alone or together with other natural or commercial skin care products. It can be used as a moisturizer or a beauty oil to be applied before bedtime. It can also be applied under makeup.

Human Nature Sunflower Beauty Oil Luxe 50mL, P 300

This product brightens skin, and make pores look younger, with continued use. Meanwhile the Natural Rose Water Facial Mist, aside from its terrific rose-infused scent has anti-ageing benefits and can be used to hydrate dull-looking skin.

Bulgarian Rose Natural Rose Water with Pump 150mL, P 700

As a combo you may try spritzing on the rose water facial mist that will not only refreshed your skin but also give you a fresh-from-the-spa after scent; then apply Human Nature’s Sunflower Oil after a few minutes. For me these products worked noticeably well together, and the effects can be seen after two weeks of continued use. These two products can be a good minimalist anti-ageing combo if you don’t have much time to incorporate those 7- or 10-step skin care routine popular these days among beauty fans.

Cyleina Shea Butter + Palmer’s Raw Shea Butter Lotion

Okay if you’re not much into facial mist and beauty oil, and body skin care is your thing, why you can also try the Cycleina Shea Butter with Almond Oil as a bath soap. This one is a really, nice product. It lightens skin a bit and makes skin look young with daily use.

Cyleina Shea Butter

You can forego with using lotion with this product that is if you go for low maintenance products. A product that can go well with that, is Palmer’s Coco Butter Formula with Vitamin E. It smells great, and it can make one’s skin glow with continued use. It may have a slight greasy feel on skin, but who cares its not uncomfortable; it can be little warm on skin upon application only but using this would make you feel you’ve just lavished your skin with fragrant butter all over.

Palmer's Raw Shea Body Lotion

This can be a daily moisturizer especially for those with dry and ageing skin that’s frequently exposed to the sun. Well these are just my personal bets; mind you these are not from a skincare expert’s advice and results of products may vary per consumer. But if you love skincare products, these can be a good bet mommy. Enjoy the rest of summer lovely belles. Disclaimer: Not a sponsored post.

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