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5 Tips You Have to Remember So You Can Maximize Productivity This 2019

5 Tips You Have to Remember So You Can Maximize Productivity This 2019

Time is money and time is precious but time never waits for anyone. The truth is when we approach a task that’s daunting to do we justify putting it off until the latest date possible-which is horrible and we’re all guilty of doing it. Admit it. 


We’re going to show you some tips on how to stop wasting your precious time and start being productive in optimizing it so you can achieve more and be more satisfied every day:

Organize. Organize. Organize.

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed with tasks and dates that you absolutely need to keep track of. Once one thing goes wrong it’s like a domino effect that’ll leave you feeling unmotivated and unhappy. The best way to combat this is to practice the habit of organizing your to-do lists, files, photos and videos, and events + dates.


There are hundreds of apps that you can download to keep tabs of everything in your life to shopping lists, budget, to everyday lists that need  to be managed so you can be efficient and have time to actually enjoy life. 


Apps like Google Calendar, Todoist, and Wunderlist. And of course, the always essential planners that you can buy from stores and customize your own.


Many people have this problem of keeping their accountability present when they set themselves up to do things that they said they were going to do. It’s normal but you have to catch yourself in the act and say “No, enough excuses. I’m doing it.” When you write down a task or set a meeting, obligate yourself to come through and do it because that’s what a responsible proactive person does.


Otherwise, you’ll only be hurting yourself and will regret it soon after you’ve set another task off for no life and death reason.

Clean Up

Everything that you don’t need anymore and that just takes up space in your home or computer- get rid of it!. You wouldn’t keep broken unusable things lying around for you and everyone else to see, right? It’s clutter that you don’t need and clutter that distracts you from feeling happy and productive with your life.


Marie Kondo, the genius Japanese organizing consultant that has made millions of people rethink how they live their lives says “Only keep items that spark joy in your life” does a broken CD or old shirt still do that for you?


Set aside a day at the most to lay everything on the table and just apply Marie Kondo’s decluttering methods, see if it works for you.

Plan ahead

Be advanced in keeping your schedule as organized and up to date as possible. If someone asks if you’re free to hang next week, then you don’t have to say “Maybe, I don’t know. I’ll get back to you.” instead “Let me check my schedule” and if you’re free block it off and be accountable for setting your appointments like what we discussed in #2. 


Know your time and your ability to keep your promise to people because that will guide you to being more responsible with time management and improving your quality of life.


Developing discipline and self-control is difficult once you start but as you progress down the line you’ll find that enjoy working more and being on top of your schedule. Start by knocking down things you’ve written on your to-do list or planner, block out a time to do each task, and avoid multitasking because it reduces focus and can overwhelm you.


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