UPSIZE PH | 2017: The Year of the Single, Empowered Woman

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2017: The Year of the Single, Empowered Woman

2017: The Year of the Single, Empowered Woman

The modern era has definitely dawned upon us. As time goes on, the image of "the woman" has greatly evolved into the idea that we, and our foremothers, have been fighting for.

From pop culture to politics to even everyday life, the woman has been revolutionized resulting to surprising individual changes. Long gone are the days when women were deemed negatively feminine. No longer are we weak, prim, and sheltered but rather we are now strong, liberated, and empowered.

Female Tribes, J. Walter Thompson Company’s proprietary insight study about women around the world - changing the conversation, recognizing the value of female capital, understanding that defining women according to responsibilities is limiting, celebrating women’s achievements and inspiring aspirations, did a global survey that concluded in 2016 where 4,300 women, between 18 and 70 years old, were polled on their views on religion, career, money, and sex among others.

In this study, they found out that 74 percent of women linked their work to their sense of self. 44 percent of this 74 percent said they were willing to delay marriage and family to focus on building their career.

About 96 percent of today's Filipinas reportedly believe that femininity is a strength and 85 percent feel like there is no better time to be a woman.

With all the ads, movies, and music where women of all shapes, sizes, backgrounds, and experiences are included and represented, there is no doubt that the empowered nation of women continues to have a growing population.

Women have learned to embrace freedom and debunked 'alone' as a sad word. 

This, however, doesn't mean that we won't raise our glasses to women who want to be wives and mothers too. In the first place, women shouldn't be pressured to have kids, get married, or whatever.

Just like the rest of our sisters, discover your innate strength in being feminine - having a choice and a voice.

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