UPSIZE PH | Power Breakfast Tips for Busy #GirlBosses

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Power Breakfast Tips for Busy #GirlBosses

Power Breakfast Tips for Busy #GirlBosses

We equate every morning with hassle: there's traffic on the road, long lines on rail transit, or a pile of paperwork waiting in our desks. It is easy to be caught up in the morning rush, even before we set our feet outside our homes. 

It has become quite natural for us to skip the very important meal, that is breakfast, because of our hectic schedules. Sure, we can simply drop by some coffee shop for our favorite caffeine mix, or order some breakfast meal in a nearby fastfood chain, but are these the best options available? 

If you're like us, who know the value of breakfast and still, somehow, keep forgetting to grab a bite before work, here are some tips for a quick and easy healthy breakfast:

A Delightful Mix

If you have no time to prepare some *silog* for breakfast, fret not. Get some fruit of your liking, chop it to bite-size pieces and place in a bowl. Mix it with nuts and pour some milk. 

Tropical Greek Yogurt Breakfast Bowl,

Voila! A healthy breakfast that will take you less than five minutes to prepare. 

Pro tip: Use variations in your breakfast combo. For instance, if at first, you splurged on low-fat milk, then maybe try almond or soy the next. 

Check recipes and ingredients here.

Muesli On The Go

Include some muesli (a combination of rolled oats, drief fruits, and mixed nuts) and milk on your next grocery shopping list. 

When you get home from work, prepare a mix of both ingredients in a small but cute mason jar. Refrigerate this overnight. You can bring this with you the following day and enjoy this delectable treat even in your office pantry. 

A variety of overnight muesli jars,

Pro tip: You can prepare different muesli mixes for the rest of your work week on Sunday night. Plus, enjoy the different flavors available on supermarkets.

As an alternative, you can prepare your own muesli or pair it with yogurt and eat it straight away. 

Keep It Simple

Avoid processed food, and choose what nutritionists call "whole food." These are items that have undergone minimal to no processing, which means that more of its nutrients are conserved and that there's less sugar or artificial sweeteners. 

Not only are these better for your health, they are also simpler to prepare. 

Sun Butter, Banana, and Chia Seeds Toast,

Go for boiled kamote or banana, and pair this with peanut butter, nuts, and cheese. Another option is to make your own smoothie by throwing in some fruits (like banana and apple), vegetables (like kale and cucumber) into the blender while you are perhaps in the shower or getting yourself dressed. 

These food combinations can give you enough energy and nutrients to get through the morning. No more complicated recipes 

Pro tip: Add some milk or yogurt in your smoothie to make it tastier!

Find some easy and yummy recipes here.

Do Batch Cooking

If you prefer rice meals in the morning, we suggest you do some batch cooking during your downtime in the weekend. All you have to do is plan and prepare your food for the rest of the week and pack them in separate containers. These containers can be labeled per day. If you want something more fresh, you may opt to prepare your food the night before. 

Curried Chickpeas and Vegetables,

Pro tip: Reduce the cooking time when preparing your food. This way, you can avoid it being overcooked when reheating. Likewise, when reheating, use oven toaster if possible, as using microwave ovens usually dries up food and can have adverse health implications in the long run. 

With these tips, you no longer have to miss the first and most important meal of the day! Which are your favorites? Comment below! 

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