UPSIZE PH | Our Beauty Wishlist: 10 Products We (and Maybe You, Too) Would Love To Receive This Christmas

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Our Beauty Wishlist: 10 Products We (and Maybe You, Too) Would Love To Receive This Christmas

Our Beauty Wishlist: 10 Products We (and Maybe You, Too) Would Love To Receive This Christmas

The final week before Christmas is nearing and sure enough, parties and Secret Santa exchange gifts are here. Sometimes, we end up dumbfounded when we need to make our wish lists. 

Thankfully, this year has been a year of beauty for us and topping our wishes for this year are some of our favorite beauty products.

Hey, perhaps these are your favorites too! Check them out and maybe you can include them on your lists.

1. Stunna Lip Paint by Fenty Beauty

Fenty Beauty Stunna Lip Paint, P 1,200

This goes number one on our list particularly because it claims to be perfect for any skin tone. We feel that it's a small amount for it's price and maybe it's not exactly worth it to buy if we only wanted to try it first so receiving this as a gift would be super awesome.

2. The Complete Bio Lipstick Set by Eye of Horus

Eye of Horus Cosmetics Bio Lipstick Inanna Honey, P 1,050

Eye of Horus Cosmetics Bio Lipstick Artemis Nude, P 1,050

Eye of Horus Cosmetics Bio Lipstick Cleo Plum, P 1,050

Eye of Horus Cosmetics Bio Lipstick Freya Rose, P 1,050

Eye of Horus Cosmetics Bio Lipstick Aurora Honey, P 1,050

Eye of Horus Cosmetics Bio Lipstick Venus Pink, P 1,050

The collection is just too bomb to even set aside. Ever since we've tried the Eye of Horus Bio Lipstick, we immediately fell in love. It has very cute colors and amazing texture, you'd just want to have all 6. Undoubtedly it's a bit pricey to get the complete set but hey, who said we can't give this as a gift to ourselves.

3. Ultimate Beauty Kit by Pixi

Pixi Ultimate Beauty Kit (4th Edition), P 1,890

48 eyeshadow shades, 8 Mesmerizing mineral pallettes, 2 Glow-y powders, 2 Beauty Blush Duos, and 2 Beauty Bronzers, all in one pallette! How can you not want this?!

4. Better than Sex Mascara by Too Faced

Too Faced Better than Sex Mascara, P 1,349

Tell the world you're ready for a stronger you in 2018 with the Too Faced Better than Sex Mascara. Props to your girl friend if she gives you this. Yaaaas sisters in powaaa!

5. Midnight Recovery Concentrate by Kiehl's

Kiehl's Midnight Recovery Concentrate, P 2,500++

This is a HOLY GRAIL in skincare. Anyone who has ever tried this product will tell you why this is the best thing ever. So whether you're a regular user or a first-timer, have this on your wish list!

6. SOS Beauty Kit (Limited Edition 2017) by Sephora

Sephora Collection SOS Beauty Kit Limited Edition 2017, P 875 (currently on sale!)

Nothing says kikay like a fab as heck kikay kit. How amazing is this kit though?

7. Beauty and the Bay Kit by Benefit

Benefit Cosmetics Beauty & the Bay Kit, P 2,300 (includes full size High Brow Pencil, full size They're Real! Mascara in Jet Black, full size Hoola Bronzer, and Mini High Beam Highlighter)

The first time we set eyes on this set, we immediately fell in love with that gorgeous gypsy-vibed packaging. Not only that, we'd so be happy to get this set as a gift because it's packed with bestselling Benefit products.

8. Lime Basil and Mandarin by Jo Malone

Jo Malone Lime Basil and Mandarin Cologne

Ever since, this has been on our wish list. Why not complete the Jo Malone collection?

9. Any MAC Lipstick

MAC Cosmetics Lipsticks

When it comes to classic lipsticks you know you can trust, MAC always comes to mind. What girl wouldn't be happy to receive a MAC lipstick anyway? Any color would do!

10. Sleepy Lotion by Lush

Lush Cosmetics Sleepy Lotion (available in 2 sizes)

This lotion broke the internet for a reason. Why wouldn't you want one? This is the perfect cherry on top of your holiday for sure. Lather it up and hit the sheets after looong nights of partying!


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