UPSIZE PH | Our 5 Favorite Pairs in Star Wars: The Last Jedi

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Our 5 Favorite Pairs in Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Our 5 Favorite Pairs in Star Wars: The Last Jedi

December came wrapped in engaging plot lines, excellent musical scoring, and gorgeous camera work. (And now, we’re also about to give you a whole bag of spoilers.)

The eighth instalment of the iconic space saga was a delight to watch. It seems, however, that all best things come in twos.

Here are some of The Last Jedi’s duos that made the movie one of the best things to happen this year. This is a biased opinion as I am a solid Star Wars fan.

1. Luke and Leia


Anyone who has seen the original trilogy would understand the significance of the poignant reunion of the twins. Tears will falls as the Battle of Crait reminds fans of the Battle of Hoth from Empire Strikes Back. Yes, the absence of Han Solo is a kick to the gut. The Last Jedi also marks the last screen appearance of Carrie Fisher.

2. BB-8 and Poe Dameron

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The droids of Star Wars are probably some of the most endearing characters that ever graced the big screen. In the prequels, there was the team of R2D2 and Anakin Skywalker. In the original trilogy, we had R2-D2 and Luke Skywalker. Rogue One gave us K2-SO and Cassian Andor. The Force Awakens introduced us to BB-8 and the Resistance pilot Poe Dameron. In The Last Jedi, the dynamic between the two was further highlighted, but of course, it has been proven time and again that droids are as adaptable as they are adorable.

3. Finn and Rose


The latest Star Wars instalment is a captivating proof that there’s never a certainty in the matters of the heart. Teases on the Finn and Rey romance angle starred in The Force Awakens, and we all loved it. In The Last Jedi, however, we will be introduced to the new character of Rose Tico, a member of the Resistance support crew.  She is spunky, loyal, and will definitely be a new fan favorite. What she said to Finn in one of the last scenes is definitely something to watch out for.

4. Kylo Ren and Rey

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The magnetic relationship between both of Luke’s protégés is not determined even up until the end of the movie. Unexpected twists and scenes that will keep everyone guessing is a significant draw of the movie.

5. Chewbacca vs a Porg

Screen Rant

We definitely miss Han Solo, but the presence of his co-pilot assuages the tinges of melancholy in The Last Jedi. Add cute Porgs in the scenes and they could just make up for what the franchise had lost.

Fans of the Star Wars franchise are definitely hard to please, but The Last Jedi transcends expectations as it has all the warmth and action that embody all Star Wars episodes.

This weekend, make sure to give two hours (and a little more) to catch what I believe is one of the best movies this year.

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