UPSIZE PH | 6 Basic Rules for Lending Money You Should Always Keep in Mind

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6 Basic Rules for Lending Money You Should Always Keep in Mind

6 Basic Rules for Lending Money You Should Always Keep in Mind

Just as the circle of life goes, some people just happen to be needing money to the point that they have to borrow and if that's you, for as long as you pay and settle everything when you promise you will, then it's all good and fine. 

However, some people just seem to like borrowing money and forgetting about it the moment the cash lands on their hands. We get it - you just want to be nice and kind and helpful to this person (or persons) but always lending while not getting what's rightfully yours anyway can be a problem to both sides.


Here are 6 rules for the type of person who is ever-so-generous enough to lend money but never gets paid back.

Rule #1: Do not be shy or afraid of asking for your money back.

Personally, I've been known for being a bit of a harsh lender. I don't mind if my friends or relatives ask to borrow money but they have to be ready for my constant reminders of paying it back. I do give them enough time to earn enough to pay it back and I try not to sound rude but I make sure they remember to pay and they always do.


These people might be in a certain place in their lives (that's why they need the monetary help) so give them enough time and space to figure things out while at the same time making sure you get back what's yours. This will not only benefit you but also help teach the borrower that they need to be responsible and disciplined. Life isn't always easy.

Rule #2: If you have nothing to give, then don't give. No means no.

Sometimes, your borrower might be a very close friend or a relative so once they come up to you, you feel pressured to lend. If you have little to nothing, don't force it. How can you pour from an empty cup? We wouldn't want you to be the one having to borrow money when you just lent yours now, would we?


Rule #3: Avoid people who are notorious money-borrowers who don't pay. And yes, this includes your friends and even family.

There's nothing wrong with crossing out people who have a habit of not paying what is due. Their attitude may or may not eventually get pretty toxic for you. If you can't handle that, then perhaps instead of lending them money, help them find other ways to make money like maybe getting an extra job or getting a bank loan. 


Rule #4: Put everything into writing and formalize it in a certain way to avoid "excuses".

Whether you lend money to the closest people in your lives or just your acquaintances, make sure you have something written down to avoid both sides forgetting about it. Write it on a notebook or share it on an app. That way, there would be no excuses of forgotten payments.


Rule #5: Think about who you're lending money to and don't be afraid to ask where they're going to use that money.

Who are we to judge, right? But money has always been a different matter in life. Some people  morph into this unknown wildebeest when it comes to money so make sure you know who you are lending to. Are they known for always borrowing money? Are they known for being good payers? Do they almost always have no money? 


Don't be afraid of asking where and how they're going to use the money. Remember that before the money gets on their hands, it's your hard earned fruits of labor so you have every right to ask and make sure that it gets spent well.

Rule #6: If people are always borrowing money from you and you almost always don't get paid, then either these people around you have a problem or you already have a reputation. You have to change that.

Ask yourself either: "Why are almost all the people close to me getting broke?" or "Is there something wrong with me?" Chances are, you have a reputation for being easy to borrow from and okay to not pay. And that's bad.


This actually brings us back to rule number one. You need to earn the respect you want and deserve. Money is an important matter and we must be able to turn away from the taboo of talking about it especially in terms of lending and borrowing.

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