UPSIZE PH | Money-saving Tips for Every Gal

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Money-saving Tips for Every Gal

Money-saving Tips for Every Gal

The recent deluge of seat-sale promos probably had you maxing out your savings account. No regrets. You only live once. After all, spending on experiences is a worthy expense. 

But do you have enough savings to enjoy your upcoming dream vacay? 

If not, fret not. Between the day you booked your flight and the day of your actual travel, here are some tips to keep you from being broke. 

Cut out the subscriptions

Do you really need Netflix and Spotify? Sure, the monthly fees cost you only a few hundred bucks, but totalling this to a few months' worth means you're spending thousands for entertainment. How often do you use these subscription services, anyway? 

If your workplace gives you free access to the internet and your home has Wi-Fi, decide if you absolutely, desperately need a postpaid data plan. A few hours of commute may be a good time to unplug from the stress of social media. Likewise, some networks offer free data for chat apps. Take advantage of these. 

Instead of looking for entertainment from what the digital age can offer, go old-school by reading books, doing artsy crafts, and cultivating new habits. 

Work-out at home

If you're currently enrolled in a fitness class in some gym, it might be time to start doing workouts at home, instead. Not only does this save you from the expensive monthly membership fees, it also saves you from the self-consciousness that comes with sweating out in front of strangers.

If you need a bit of coaching somehow, there are tons of mobile apps and YouTube videos out there that help you stay fit. 

Re-think your habits

If you're the kind of gal who needs a caffeine fix to start her day, then you're probably spending a thousand bucks per month for Starbucks. Stop this bank-breaking habit. Use the coffee maker in your office pantry. Bring your own 3-in-1 mix. Or, simply enjoy drinking water. 

Do you absolutely need a soda with your lunch? This may cost you only P20 per meal but even losing this habit saves you some moolah for your dream vacay. Plus, cutting out on your sugar intake means being more confident when you finally flaunt that bod! 

Dining out every after work hours? Maybe it's time to unleash your kitchen prowess, try new recipes, and eat at home. 

Use free services

If you're office offers a free shuttle service, then what's stopping you from taking it? Sure, you may need to wait for some minutes or an hour (if the ride is strictly scheduled), but even additional hours at work can help you accomplish more. Way to go, best employee!

Keep the change

If you're like me, you probably let your Uber driver keep the few pesos off your transpo fee. But it's important to change the mindset that loose change is disposable. Even a few coins collected every day in a cute piggy bank can amount to thousands at the end of the year. You'll be surprised!

Track your cash flow

There is no more effective way to cut on your spending by monitoring your expenses. You can go conventional with a handwritten journal, or go convenient with online apps! It also helps to keep a budget, and strictly stick to it. 

Use this guide to help you save not only for your oncoming vacay but also for your big goals in life! Go, gal! 

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