UPSIZE PH | Decluttering Tips for a Fresh Start in 2019

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Decluttering Tips for a Fresh Start in 2019

Decluttering Tips for a Fresh Start in 2019

We're counting the days 'til 2018 officially draws to a close. The new year always comes with hope for a restart — an opportunity to improve, grow from what went wrong in the year that was, and be better versions of ourselves.

So what better way to end the year than dedicating some time to decluttering? After all, 2019 offers a fresh start and we wouldn't want to bring along the bad vibes in the coming year. 

1. Physical decluttering

Sure, we've all wanted to finally clean that closet and sort through all our clothes — I mean, who knows what forgotten treasures we've got in there, right? — but we just don't have enough time. The trick is to spend even at least five to ten minutes a day doing the task we dread.


It actually goes a long way. By the end of the month, you will have spent an hour or two organizing your wardrobe, without much of a hassle.

Perhaps while waiting for the Grab that'll bring you to your party's venue, you can take out from your closet those items you know you won't use anymore... because you've outgrown them or you're keeping them just for the sake of being sentimental. Like that high school varsity shirt you wore for the intramurals. Just admit and accept that it's too small to fit now, and not even intense dieting can shrink us back to our "nene" days. 

2. Mental decluttering

I don't know about you, but I believe that everyone during this holiday season has too much on her plate. There's work, where we're rushing the seemingly endless year-end report. Then, there are countless of parties we can't miss. And all the godchildren for whom we have to buy gifts. Bye for now, Christmas bonus!


We may not notice it, but the undue busy-ness of life takes a toll on our mental health. Do you sometimes find it hard to concentrate and actively participate in an important meeting with the bosses? Maybe that's because your head is elsewhere.

The solution: Take some time off to unwind. Disconnect from your devices and, consequently, the pressures of the external world. At least even just for a moment. If that means missing a Friday night-out to get a good massage, do so. If it means staying in bed the whole Sunday afternoon, reading a book you've put off for so long, then let it be. The important thing is for us to be taking care of ourselves, too, before taking care of all the others.

3. Emotional decluttering

We all have a burden to bear. For all you know, there may be deep-seated negative emotions in you that's just waiting to explode. Truth is, the more you keep it in, the more it is likely to blow up like a volcano. 


You'll need catharsis. Invite your best gal pals in your home for a simple dinner (because, duh, all the other restos and bars are crowded!) and really pour your heart out over that bitchy boss and the abominable office politics. Take a blank journal and write all the cuss words you can only hope to tell your ex. Cry if you have to, and as long as you want to. Then pat yourself on the back for allowing yourself to be true to how you feel.

Ladies, this is the perfect ending that will allow us to usher in a new and exciting 2019. A fresh start, indeed.

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