UPSIZE PH | 7 Powerful Affirmations from Instagram Accounts You Should Follow That You Need to End 2018 With

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7 Powerful Affirmations from Instagram Accounts You Should Follow That You Need to End 2018 With

7 Powerful Affirmations from Instagram Accounts You Should Follow That You Need to End 2018 With

We’re almost down to our last month this 2018, and just like any year, it has been a wild ride of challenges and happy times! When one door closes, we have to make room to welcome the opening of another door filled with new adventures and smashing opportunities.

To do this here are simple but powerful affirmations to kick-start your attitude towards welcoming 2019 as warmly as we did 2018:

1. “I can. I will. End of story.” (@dailyburn)

No one can tell you that you can’t do something unless you let them. Don’t. Show them they’re wrong and prove yourself to the only person who’s opinion of you matters- YOU.

@dailyburn / Instagram

@dailyburn / Instagram

2. “I am in charge of how I feel and today I’m choosing happiness.” (@sequellife_bp)

Don’t bother focusing on what you can’t control because it’s nothing but negativity and unwanted stress on your part. Focus your energy where you can take action, make things happen by choosing to start with your emotional well-being.

@sequellife_bp / Instagram

@sequellife_bp / Instagram

3. “I am choosing and not waiting to be chosen.” (@raisingself)

Make yourself a priority because you are worth it and no one should ever have you for an option. Value yourself because if you don’t then who will?. Don’t give anyone else the impression that you will settle for anything less than yourself.

@raisingself / Instagram

@raisingself / Instagram

4. “I let go of all that no longer serves me.” (@iamdailyaffirmations)

Be intention in your actions and what you choose to feed your mind with. Curate the information that you listen to and get rid of everything that doesn’t serve your purpose in life. Ask yourself “Will this help me achieve my goal?” if the answer is no- it’s not worth keeping.

@iamdailyaffirmations / Instagram

@iamdailyaffirmations / Instagram

5. “When you really want it, you’re unstoppable.” (@patriciamoreno33)

When you really feel passionate about something there is this unending drive that will push you towards success. Even when you feel like you’re far from reaching your goal always keep in mind that you love what you do and that’s enough to keep you going.

@patriciamoreno33 / Instagram

@patriciamoreno33 / Instagram

6. “I deserve the best and I accept the best now.” (@hayhouseinc)

Self-love is the greatest weapon we have towards conquering all that trouble us. You are worth it and you should always remember it. Never settle for what you don’t want and always know that you are loved.

@hayhouseinc / Instagram

@hayhouseinc / Instagram

7. “I refuse to give up because I haven’t tried all possible ways.” (@mbs.experience)

When one solution doesn’t work then it’s never the end. Don’t get discouraged by things that don’t work out the best solutions are those that have to go through trial and error to be found. It’s hard but exponentially it is going to be worth all the hard work and effort in the end.

@mbs.experience / Instagram

@mbs.experience / Instagram

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