UPSIZE PH | 7 Signs You're More Into Someone Than They're Into You

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7 Signs You're More Into Someone Than They're Into You

7 Signs You're More Into Someone Than They're Into You

Having someone you like is a great feeling, love is a cocktail of brain chemicals: dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, endorphin. Love stimulates all of your happy chemicals at once. However, it can quickly turn sour and back fire when the person you like doesn’t like you back the way you want them too.


Save yourself the heartbreak and notice the warning signs that someone just doesn’t like you that way by checking them out here:

1. They don’t seem enthusiastic to hear from you.

Ladies and gentlemen, when a person is happy to see you they’re actions will visibly be an indicator that they genuinely are. If the person you like seems cordial and polite to and not at all in a flirty type of way-then make a note to slowly back away and reflect if they have always been this way.


2. When you speak they keep the conversation short and polite.

An engaging conversation strikes up a budding relationship and if your crush doesn’t seem at all interested enough to keep it going by asking questions about you or making an effort to prolong it then it’s not worth it.


3. They don’t make time for you. Excuses they do.

If you’re crush asked you out then you’d immediately jump at the chance and say “YES!” in a heartbeat because you like them that much. So if the person you’re eyeing doesn’t seem to be interested other than churning out excuses of being busy or they’ll get back to you then that’s a “No.” (Sadly)


4. They don’t return PDA.

Even a full frontal hug is rejected? Then odds are they aren’t comfortable being that touchy with you at all because they make it clear of their personal boundaries especially with you.


5. They don’t make an effort to reach out to all.

If you notice that you guys only talk when you’re the one who always initiates and never them. Save yourself the trouble and stress of waiting for that person to call or text because they have proven that they won’t.


6. They don’t remember what you say.

It’s not just a warning sign that someone isn’t interested in you but it’s a bit disrespectful that person doesn’t even make an effort to remember anything that you’ve told them especially when you repeat it over and over.


7. Your gut tells you that they don’t fancy you like you do them.

Your gut has been going on about noticing all these warning signs and you have the actionable proof that you’re the only one invested in making something happen between you and your crush. The time has come to stop the crush and turn to yourself.


There’s no shame in liking someone at all but we should always love ourselves before others because self-love and care is our most important asset.

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