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How To Stop Your Scalp from Sweating

How To Stop Your Scalp from Sweating

Around 10 years ago, a friend had Botox injected into his armpits to stop excessive sweating. It was supposed to work for four months but the Botox’s effect actually lasted for a year.


Botox is FDA-approved for excessive armpit sweating. Botox minimizes and blocks out the body’s sweat glands, anywhere from six months to one year.


People who sweat heavily out of the underarms, hands, feet, groin and face have hyperhidrosis. It’s a condition that is both uncomfortable and embarrassing. Botox blocks the nerves from reaching the sweat glands.


About 50 injections are required for each armpit. That sounds painful but a topical numbing cream is used before the procedure to lessen the discomfort.

Botox for the scalp is a new phenomenon borne out of women’s needs to protect their blowouts while working our or doing yoga. Around 150-200 injections are required for the entire scalp.

Dr. Dendy Engelman uses a very small noodle to inject the Botox into the hair follicle. The whole procedure lasts about 20 minutes.

Medical Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery Centers

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