Two Easy to Make Dishes for the Holiday Overspender
So you spent a lot of money during the holidays. Who didn’t? We all did, right? Whether you were on vacation with your family or just here in Metro Manila, it’s likely that you’re now on deficit spending mode.
Here’s what you can do: Cease and desist those coffee runs. You can also make your own lunch to bring to the office instead of eating out.
But you can’t cook?!! Don't panic yet. Here are some simple suggestions:
This is a recipe I discovered via food blogger Joey Larrazabal of 80 Breakfasts. It’s very easy to do and there’s no sauteing required. I’ve cooked this a number of times already so I am reprinting this recipe.
Tomato Sauce with Onion and Butter
(adapted slightly from Marcela Hazan’s Essentials of Italian Cooking, and as seen on Smitten Kitchen, Orangette and the Amateur Gourmet)
- One (1) 800-gram can of chopped tomatoes - you can easily get this from any supermarket
- 70 grams unsalted butter
- One (1) medium white onion, peeled and halved
- Salt to taste
- Your choice of pasta
Smitten Kitchen
1. Place the tomatoes (including the juices), butter, and onion in a heavy-bottomed saucepan over medium heat.

2. Bring this to a simmer then lower the heat and simmer gently, uncovered, for 45 minutes, or until droplets of fat float free from the tomatoes.
3. Stir occasionally, mashing tomato chunks with the back of a wooden spoon when you come upon them.
Smitten Kitchen
4. Add salt to taste.
5. Remove and discard the onion.
6. Pour sauce over pasta.
The second recipe involves leftovers and whatever you’ve got in your pantry.
1. Get a wok and put together some leftover rice, Christmas ham and other stuff from your fridge such as leftover veggies.
2. Put this over medium fire and mix continuously. You normally saute garlic and all the ingredients for fried rice but if you are scared to do that, this method is the best.
3. After 15 minutes of mixing, you can turn off the fire. You may also scramble an egg, cut it into strips and add it to your fried rice.
What is great about this dish is that you can eat it on its own!
The Spruce / Getty Images