UPSIZE PH | Twitter Noticed Engaged Justin Bieber Has Been Dressing Differently and We're Kindly Feeling the Vibe

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Twitter Noticed Engaged Justin Bieber Has Been Dressing Differently and We're Kindly Feeling the Vibe

Twitter Noticed Engaged Justin Bieber Has Been Dressing Differently and We're Kindly Feeling the Vibe

We don’t know much with what’s going on with the Biebs lately but he seems pretty happy lately, goofing off with Jimmy Fallon and stuff.

@TMobile / Twitter

@TMobile / Twitter

Scrolling along the fun, fun world of Twitter though, we notice that a bunch of people have been noticing that Justin’s been working his fashion kind of different lately.



I mean, i’m not totally mad at it. Except maybe for the ‘stache and the overly folded pants.


And honestly, some of his latest lewks kind of remind us a bit of our favorite modern day rockstar, the dashing lad of fashion himself, Harold Styles.





If Harry has in fact been a style inspo for him, we wouldn’t be surprised either.

You do you, Justin!

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