UPSIZE PH | 8 Actual Words of Advice That Could Probably Lift Your Spirits Up From Being Sad

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8 Actual Words of Advice That Could Probably Lift Your Spirits Up From Being Sad

8 Actual Words of Advice That Could Probably Lift Your Spirits Up From Being Sad

There are some moments in life when we feel like our problems are devouring us whole. For some reason, every now and then, we face challenges that we can no longer handle so even stress evokes some kind of deeper emotional struggles and leaves us depressed and anxious.


Studies have shown that today’s modern world have been less happier than how people were a few years back. Life’s some tough shit, that’s true, but for as long as there are problems, there will be solutions. And you know very well enough that you don’t deserve to feel sad. Who likes feeling sad, stressed out, and frustrated anyway?

Sometimes the reason why we’re feeling bad is because we just forget to look at the good things. So with that, allow us to share with you some statements to remind you why you should enjoy the happiness you know you need and deserve.

1. You can literally handle every problem that comes your way.

It may be tough to do but try to look at the situation in some philosophical way. Everything that happens in your life is a result of an action you or the elements/characters in your immediate surroundings took. Whatever the case may be though, you are involved one way or another. This is why it’s your problem to worry about, right? And that’s actually good!


This means that since you technically were part of why this is happening to you, you, too, can easily control and handle it. Chances of life would not give you challenges that you cannot overcome, which leads us to number two:

2. Instead of focusing on the external forces you can’t control, manage your internal reactions.

The law of interaction states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Not only does this apply to the realms of science, it applies to life as well. However, the only difference is that you have the willpower - no matter how weak or strong - to change your reaction.


Besides, we want life to flow easier and the easier option is to change your inner thoughts, the words you use, the way you interact with your everyday. It’s not exactly simple but there’s always a way you can do it little by little.

3. It’s all about how you view things.

Life could’ve given you a challenge you felt was too annoyingly problematic for you. Why worry so much? It’s making only making you more frustrated. Instead of always thinking, “Why should I go through this?”, “This is too much for me”, “Nothing good happens to me”, stop. Or at least, lessen.


It’s tough to silent that loud voice in your head especially if you’ve already been giving it too much power. But try. Look at beautiful things and find activities that make you feel even just a bit of peace. In the end, you have to learn how to appreciate how you can always handle whatever life throws your way and nothing will be too big for you to handle. Sometimes with life’s worries, we like looking at a tree instead of just getting a bird’s eye view of the whole forest.

4. Give yourself time.

With everything amazing in this world, change doesn’t happen overnight so don’t get disappointed in yourself for not being the shiny, happy, new you the next day. People just don’t get over things in a snap and that’s totally okay! The more you pressure yourself to quickly solve your issues, the bigger your problem will get. So take your time but take the right steps.


It could take a week, couple of weeks, a few months, heck it could take a year. We all look forward to the day a problem gets solved and we can’t just rush that. So take things slow and keep yourself in check all the time. Eventually, you’d find yourself looking back and laughing at how worried you were with a problem that wasn’t even that big after all.

5. Always remember that you’re only human.

You may be strong but whatever happens you’re no superhero. Even Superman has a weakness. We all do. Be gentle with yourself and allow yourself to wallow in your emotions. If you feel sad, be sad. If you feel angry, go be angry. If there’s anything you shouldn’t do, it’s stop yourself from feeling.


Acknowledge your emotions and embrace them however rollercoaster-y they may be. One day you’re happy, next day you’re not - it’s totally normal. You’re not going crazy. Remember that you are but just a person who probably needs someone to confide in. If you’re like me though, I have moments when I don’t like telling even my closest friends about my problems because I feel like i’m just bothering them with my personal issues but when I do end up telling them anyway, I realize they’ve just been there for me anyway willing to listen.

There’s no shame in getting some help.

6. Shut the world down, put your headphones on, and listen to music on maximum volume.

This could be the most active advice you could do from this list. Seriously, what can music not heal? Get away from the world for a moment and get lost in your favorite playlist. Close your eyes and listen to each lyric. Pay attention and try to distinguish each instrument that put the song together. This is not just euphoric, it’s also a form of meditation because your body becomes aware of the music, hyping up your sense of hearing.


If the music makes you feel like crying, don’t hold back. Feel it in and let your imagination run wild.

7. Stop comparing yourself to others.

How do I even begin with this? Don’t compare your success with others. Don’t compare your problems with others. There is no little or big problem among people. Who cares if you think someone else’s challenges are bigger than yours? That doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t value and give attention to your problems too, right?


To each their own. You don’t know the story behind what other people are facing and same thing with them towards you so there’s not even a point in comparing.

8. You’ll get over it.

Tough love but you gotta be reminded of it. You have this problem. This is your present. This is your now. It doesn’t mean that it will be there or at least have that magnitude of unease with you forever. Can you recall a problem you faced in the past? Put yourself back in those shoes and try to remember how you felt at that time. Then return to now. Didn’t things change?

The world is constantly moving and so is the rest of the universe. The weight of your problems may personally be huge but you have to remember things can change and things will. Whatever you may be worrying about, it will not be there forever. Given some time, you could solve it. You could move on from it. You will get over it. Maybe you’ll even forget it.


But always remember that each challenge you get in life is a blessing to make you a stronger, more beautiful person. It teaches you lessons that cannot be taught in school. Every problem is part of your unique story. Remember that even diamonds have to go through pressure to show off their shine.

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