UPSIZE PH | 5 Powerful Women You Can Catch on Shows You Should Start Watching

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5 Powerful Women You Can Catch on Shows You Should Start Watching

5 Powerful Women You Can Catch on Shows You Should Start Watching

In a constantly demanding world, Netflix has become an actual hangout place. This 2018, we at Upsize would like to talk about the array of smart, powerful, take-no-shit women in television fiction.

They made watching a constant delight allowing us to take a glimpse on, politics, science fiction and the '80s, psychopaths, criminals and lawyers both, and New York in the late '90s.

1. Hannah Wells from Designated Survivor


Designated Survivor is an exciting drama series on ABC where a low-level Cabinet member suddenly found himself in the Oval Office when a terrorist attack claimed the lives of the President and his Cabinet saved for a "Designated Survivor."

Maggie Q Online

Played by Asian superstar Maggie Q, FBI agent Hannah Wells led the task of uncovering the conspiracy of the devastating attack during the first season. She's intuitive, tenacious, and incredibly strategic.

Alright 2018.... I’m ready. BRING IT. #startingstrong #godbless

A post shared by Maggie Q (@maggieq) on

Maggie Q is no stranger to action drama as she has also played roles in Mission Impossible III and Live Free or Die Hard. Designated Survivor Season 2 is currently on Winter Break and will be back on February 28. The previous season is on Netflix.

2. Elizabeth McCord from Madam Secretary


There are a lot of options for those who are interested in political drama. For international affairs enthusiasts, CBS' Madam Secretary is something to watch.

No Harm in Charm

When Elizabeth McCord, a mother and a professor, was asked by the US president to become his State Secretary, she would not only be the country's prime diplomat, but she would also handle two daunting tasks: politics in the White House and motherhood.


Like any diplomat should be, Elizabeth is graceful in the face of pressure, intelligent, principled, stands her ground, but willing to compromise when the situation calls for it. The titular role is played by Elizabeth Téa Pantaleoni. The show first aired in 2014 and hopefully CBS won't cancel it. The previous seasons are available on Netflix.

3. Eleven from Stranger Things

Metro UK

Anyone who has watched Stranger Things ended up becoming a fan. Who won't love the '80s theme, the homage to the horror genre, and the incredibly talented actors in the show?


Netflix have already confirmed that Season 3 is indeed coming and Eleven, played by the adorable Millie Bobbie Brown will probably continue to mesmerize us. She has come a long way from the kid who escaped Hawkins Lab. Her resilience and loyalty to friends is something that adults could actually learn from.

4. Happy Quinn from Scorpion


Not that your typical bubbly chick, Happy is an ironic name for the usually cantankerous mechanical prodigy.


Played by Canadian actress Jadyn Wong, Happy is one of those people who would grow on someone. She's smart, loyal, and resourceful; definitely the kind of person anyone would want on their team. Scorpion is a CBS TV show about a group of geniuses hired by Homeland Security to tackle problems that no normal-minded human beings could.


5. Dr. Wendy Carr from Mindhunter

Independent UK

There is a real Dr. Wendy Carr and she's a living legend known in Boston College as Dr. Ann Wolbert Burgess. In the Netflix's TV show however, the role is being played by Australian star Anna Torv.

Telegraph UK

Dr. Carr is helping two FBI agents understand the minds of serial killers. Her principles, agile mind, a little apathy, are some of the things that make Dr. Carr someone who could get the job done.


Due to its popularity to viewers, the Netflix's crime drama is up for a second season.

*Post photo from Accultrated.

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