UPSIZE PH | 5 Things I Learned in New York in 9 Days

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5 Things I Learned in New York in 9 Days

5 Things I Learned in New York in 9 Days

It's my first time heading to the Big Apple. After doing much research about where to go and what to do, I expected so much from it with it's reputation as the city that never sleeps.

Sure enough, New York never hesitated in impressing me. If you're planning on going there, it's easy to just Google where you could go depending on whatever trip you're thinking of having. 

But here's my take on New York trip tips that you probably should know:

After going to Times Square once, you’ll never want to pass by there again

After taking the necessary “tourist” photo with the iconic billboards as background, you’ll never want to pass by 42nd St ever because:

  1. The crowd is insane. It's the city that never sleeps and never vacant.
  2. A lot of ticket sellers offering you to see this and that. Like, tbh it's expensive so please spare me *actually cried in Filipino*
  3. It takes longer for you to reach your destination with all the people you have to avoid. Which reminded me so much of Manila too.

Tip. Always.

It's common knowledge for New Yorkers and other frequent travelers because it's pretty much expected in everything you do like when eating at a restaurant, when riding a cab, etc.

The tip is a reflection of the service you experienced - like Yelp but monetary.
-    10% of your total bill is MEH
-    15% is just okay
-    20% and above is exceptional

Wear your most comfortable pair of shoes

Using the subway and walking are the best modes of going around NYC. Even if i'm used to roads having their own names, you totally won't get lost since the roads are numbered: 42nd Street, 43rd St, 5th Ave, 4th Ave. And the city layout is pretty easy to understand.

You need to line up for EVERYTHING

Especially in crazy Manhattan. I'm not exactly sure why but I think it's because most of the people you'll see and meet in Manhattan are tourists and have read the same guides you’ve read.

You won’t be intimidated going in high end boutiques

Unlike here in Manila, sales representatives there don’t tail you like a stalker (or shoplifter) when you are browsing their stores. They would only ask you if you need any help and would leave you to look around on your own.


And by fun I mean:

-    a man mumbling on his own inside the train eating a bucket of chicken, throwing the bones on the floor
-    a granny which looks like she came out of a picture book carrying a lot of plastic bags
-    an older man on the train air drumming to the music coming out of his earphone like nobody’s watching him
-    an angry man shouting / picking up a fight while walking on the street

NYC is filled with a lot of colorful personalities which can be a bit scary but you'll be surprised by the kindness of strangers

-    a ticket seller who offered to take a group photo of us (Yay!)
-    a lady who butted in a conversation when we were asking for directions because she heard we were being taught the wrong way

New York City should definitely be in your wanderlust bucketlist too. The whole experience felt just like I jumped inside a movie.

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