Hidden Figures Review: A Timely Film #UpsizeMustSee
Before we start telling you what we think of the movie, allow us to first thank 20th Century Fox for giving us an awesome opportunity to be one of the firsts in the country to see this incredible film. Also fair warning, there may be spoilers on this post but since this film is based on a true story, we don't see how.. like.. you get the idea.
Taraji P. Henson, Octavia Spencer, and Janelle Monae in Hidden Figures, 20th Century Fox
We'll cut to the chase - the trailer and poster are as straightforward as they possibly could. This movie is no thriller or suspense especially if you're pretty knowledgeable about the US space programs launched in the 1960s. It's also no suspense if you know even just a bit about massive racial discrimination.
Octavia Spencer and Kirsten Dunst in Hidden Figures, 20th Century Fox
We'll leave the discrimination for you to cringe on when you see the film for yourself. What we're gonna tell you about the film are the reasons why this is an #UpsizeMustSee.
Kevin Costner, Taraji P. Henson, and Jim Parsons along with the cast of Hidden Figures on set, 20th Century Fox
First and foremost, here in Upsize, we're all about empowerment, inspiration, and motivation - this film and the story of the African-American women who bypassed all possible stereotype to their persona is the total package.
Taraji P. Henson as Katherine Johnson in Hidden Figures, 20th Century Fox
Aside from the amazing cast, Hidden Figures totally showed off how these women broke barriers in ways more than one.
Taraji P. Henson in Hidden Figures, 20th Century Fox
Like Lady Gaga, we don't want to get political but it's simply inevitable to not see how timely this movie is released at least here in the Philippines. It's unbelievable that we're still fighting for equality among sexes and races until now. This was set in the 1960s and though some things have pretty much changed, the idea of separation of sexes, genders, and races is still prominent to today's world.
We love Hidden Figures for its thought-inducing story. The plot is beautifully done and superb. We guarantee you there is no scene where you will not be inspired.
Powerful women balancing their work and personal life, managing challenges, rejections, unnecessary hardships, and men actually fighting alongside these women because their goal too is progress through unity, not success by separation probably are only some of the few reasons why this movie is already breaking records in the box office.
It's inspiring to know that nothing is impossible for women who strive to be the best.
Taraji P. Henson in action as Katherine Johnson in Hidden Figures, 20th Century Fox
Taraji P. Henson in action as Katherine Johnson in Hidden Figures, 20th Century Fox
Octavia Spencer in action as Dorothy Vaughn in Hidden Figures, 20th Century Fox
Never ever be afraid to stand up for your right and fight to continuously reach your goals. Do not let anything stop you from being who you were destined to be.
This coming 22 February, don't forget to catch Hidden Figures and watch these amazing actors and actresses bring a history to life. It's a 12/10 movie you surely shouldn't miss.
*Article photo from 20th Century Fox