UPSIZE PH | Essentiale is an essential. Here's why.

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Essentiale is an essential. Here's why.

Essentiale is an essential. Here's why.

Fact: You are not getting any younger; so is your liver.

It’s Friday. A week’s worth of unending deliverables is about to end, with a long weekend just around the corner; what do we do?


In our 20’s we tend to maximize whatever time we have left spending most of it on a 9-hour day job. Let’s admit it, we think we have all the money and energy in the world so trying out that new burger joint or even indulging in your favorite beer or wouldn’t hurt. At all.

It’s your choice. Don’t listen to that killjoy of an officemate you have; reward yourself after stressing over that report and dragging yourself to the office all week long; It’s what keeps us sane; it gives us the courage for what lies ahead once the new week comes in; it serves as something to look forward to when the going gets tough, so take a shot for every bump you had to face this week!

And after you feel better, take care of your body for the rest of the week.

Anything is great in moderation. As the title suggests, you’re not getting any younger. Be someone that your 30/40/50-year-old self will be proud of. We live in a generation where lifestyle is demanding and health goes unappreciated. Is it a wonder a human’s lifespan gets shorter and shorter? Watching over our health may be easier said than done, but it’s for our own good.

Stop smoking for a few days; your lungs will thank you. Sleep for over eight hours; your immune system gets stronger. Watch what you eat and drink; your liver can breathe properly. Dubbed as the “Silent Hero,” the liver is probably one of the body’s most overworked organs. It stores important vitamins, energy, and minerals, and releases them to the blood. It helps the body resist infections by producing immune factors, removing bacteria from the blood. It converts the food you eat into energy and produces chemicals your brain and spinal cord both need. The liver also detoxifies by metabolizing and expelling drugs, alcohol, and environmental toxins from your system. It also helps digest your food and absorb important nutrients through the bile it produces.

How to actually take care of your liver?

Aside from proper dietary habits, you can also take blood tests regularly; these are used to help diagnose and monitor liver diseases and/or damage. The tests measure the levels of certain enzymes and proteins in your blood.

Foods like berries, oatmeal, and garlic, as well as drinks like coffee and green tea are good for your liver. Taking medicine also helps improve liver function. (Phospholipids) Essentiale Forte P contains purified EPL® (Essential Phospholipids) extracted from natural food with precise technology from Germany, which liver cells can easily absorb. Essentiale, an over-the-counter medicine, is clinically proven to strengthen liver health by promoting the repairing function and regeneration of liver cells.

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