UPSIZE PH | What Attracts You to Someone Based On Your Zodiac

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What Attracts You to Someone Based On Your Zodiac

What Attracts You to Someone Based On Your Zodiac

Finding that special someone you feel like you’ve known your whole life is never easy. Even more so in this day and age where dating is becoming unnecessarily complicated. However, your astrological sign can tell you a lot about what it is you might be looking for in a potential partner and finding who you’re most compatible with.

Because when you understand who you are and what you truly want, the rest won’t come easy but it will come without all the doubts and complexities.

Aries (March 21- April 19): Level-headed

Known for being an unstoppable force and fiercely independent nature, they are full of energy and life that they won’t tolerate boredom and being restricted of their freedom. However, this sign lives in a fast-paced world that they need a partner that can level them down to a calmer state from time to time. Someone who can understand their need to go after ideas and tolerate their stubborn and headstrong nature.


Taurus (April 20- May 20): Grounded and Exciting

They value loyalty and stability among all others and is sensual and romantic as they are ruled by Venus. They would do well to be with someone who can match their efforts and can understand that they want. Someone who can be as grounded as they are without being too boring and by the book. They also want excitement so their partner should help them in making life more fun and interesting.


Gemini (May 21- June 20): Respect for Freedom

Naturally gifted with the art of flirting, this sign is a charmer at heart and a people person. They would match well with someone who’s not prone to jealousy but they could get anxious because they tend to bite off more than they can chew. Their partner should know better than to smother them because if not they will recoil and rethink being in a relationship is worth it to sacrifice their need for freedom and independence.


Cancer (June 21- July 22): Security

Known for being emotional, loyal, and sensitive, this sign is a huge homebody and has a lovable heart to boot. They enjoy nights indoors and just chilling than being out and about at social events. They hate small talk and they’re prone to being moody, they’d much rather be with someone who can share the same page with them and make them feel secure and establish a strong emotional connection with.


Leo (July 23- August 22): Cool Demeanor

Lovers of attention and real socialites that are often popular with crowds. They are determined and know how to keep a sharp, chill, and enjoy life. They’re great to be around with as natural cheerleaders and their potential partners should share their affinity for just keeping calm at all times and tolerate bursts of energy, ego, and take note their prone to jealousy.


Virgo (August 23- September 22): Passionate

They rule with their mind and value being practical, loyal, and perfection so much that they can be overly critical when things don’t go as plan. This sign sees the good in people and values kindness without judgement they are reliable and trustworthy albeit blunt and conservative. They are attracted to those who are passionate about what they do no matter what it is and will call them out on their perfectionist attitude without hesitation.


Libra (September 23- October 22): Decisive

Experts at finding the balance in their lives and care about fairness and is a romantic by heart. This sign makes a great diplomat and because they value making good decisions they can take a while to do so and prone to being indecisive so they rely on a partner that can match their tactical ability and help them make decisions. They get things done at the cost of being detached from anything out of their focus.


Scorpio (October 23- November 21): Confidence

They like secrets more than the next person and don’t like it when they’re alone time is being restricted and they don’t open up to just anyone. They are highly focused and are brave and ambitious individuals who get put off by neediness. They would do well to be with someone who is secure of themselves and knows how to handle their tight-knit personality.

Sagittarius (November 22- December 21): Independence

The adventure goers of the zodiacs, this sign straightforward and has a highly curious and intellectual mind that isn’t one for keeping patient. They need to find answers to their questions and their independence is fiercely strong so they work well with someone who can give them their space, support, and enjoy life with them and go on adventures.


Capricorn (December 22- January 19): Stability

Incredibly wise and masters of self-control albeit shy and a bit of a pessimist. This sign is all about responsibility and discipline so they match well with a partner that is well grounded and is as ambitious as they are - go for the goal together and live well in prosperity.


Aquarius (January 20- February 18): Intellectual 

Truly originals, they are nonconformists that are often in their own head most of the time. This sign is purely intellectual and values individuality and passion because they live for that. They are friendly, loyal, and humanitarians that can’t be predicted. A future partner for them would be someone who can understand their aloof and detached nature along with contributing to their wealth of knowledge.


Pisces (February 19- March 20): Organized

They admire someone who has their act together and knows when to take charge and not be shy about it. This sign is fanatical and imaginative although like most creatives they tend to be overly sensitive and prone to being a pessimist when things don’t turn out as expected. Their partner should be able to keep them help them out and be keen on their sensitivity.


Attraction is different for everybody and the astrological sign is just a guide to help you understand what each sign is like and hopefully give you a glimpse of what you’re like when looking for a suitable partner.

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