UPSIZE PH | 5 Easy Steps to Care for your Mental Health

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5 Easy Steps to Care for your Mental Health

5 Easy Steps to Care for your Mental Health

In pursuit of success, we usually take mental health for granted.

Mental pressure is dangerous. If you’re on the path where taking care of yourself is taking a back seat then you’ll arrive sooner at the exhausted station before you reach the desired destination.

Here are some tips that could lessen the chances of burning out. These may not be foolproof but hey, they are worth giving a shot.

1. Practice the art of detachment.

If there is one value that people has been trying to inculcate in our hearts and minds, it would be passion. They say that passion is the key to reaching our goals and fulfilling our dreams, but sometimes too much passion is dangerous.


There is no harm being vulnerable but attaching too much importance on your career, your personal relationships make stress and pressure easier to take hold of your psyche.

In facing failure, be it a job or a relationship, remember the adage: “Success is not final. Failure is not fatal.” There is always hope for things to get better.

2. Take a breather once in a while.

Once in a while, you need to clean your palate to appreciate the best life has to offer. If you have been living in the city and working the night shift for far too long, take a week-long countryside road trip.


If, on the other hand, you have been in the province and haven’t left your hometown, try the appeal of the city for a few months. In making sure that you’re getting the best deal out of life, get out of that little bubble you’re in.

3. Appreciate good music and good reads.

Nothing beats the classic. There’s this movie (Liberal Arts, 2012) by Josh Radnor where he tries listening to classical music (e.g. Beethoven Symphony No.6) while walking and he develops a transcending appreciation for the city he’s in.


In finding that escape, you don’t need to hop on a plane. Good music and great books can take you to beautiful places. Contemporary pop music may also soothe niggling worries. After all, there is an Ed Sheeran song for every state of mind you’re in.

4. Prioritize good health.


In taking care of your mental health, do not forget your physical body. Exercise every day. Wake up early. Sleep early. Drink more tea and less coffee. From that tip top health of your body, everything follows.

5. Do not hesitate to have a good cry.


Tears are the tangible manifestation of pain or joy. It’s dangerous to keep things bottled up. Talking about the things that bother you and crying about it makes it easier for you to move forward and conquer sadness. 



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