UPSIZE PH | How Much is Too Much?

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How Much is Too Much?

How Much is Too Much?

An actress was recently talked about online and even offline because of her newly sculpted face.

Okay, we will name names here. Arci Munoz had to disable comments on her Instagram page because a lot of people, mostly strangers, had a lot of things to say about her reported new nose.

NYC 🕴 #ootd #newyork

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Netizen critics just can't stop comparing her new photos to old ones.

No caption needed: @ramonathornes

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Like or Dislike: @ramonathornes' new look. #notmyphoto #fashionpulis

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It's not as if Arci Munoz is the only celebrity to have had surgical enhancements.

But we're not here to face or body shame these people. We say that every person should do what he or she thinks is best for his or her face and body.

In Korea, celebrities unashamedly endorse cosmetic surgery clinics. In fact, if you visit a popular clinic in Seoul, you'll see a poster with an image of a Korean actor who is very popular in the Philippines.

And it's no big deal!

Drama Fever

Are we still stuck with the thinking that natural beauty always reigns? The moment you conditioner on your hair and comb it after a shower, you've kinda stopped being natural.


Some women just think they need more done to their faces than just a swipe of lipstick. And there's nothing wrong with that.


If you think a celebrity is ugly because of surgical enhancements, then stop looking at her photos.


Leaving a bad comment on her page actually reflects on you, not her face.

If you think you have an upper hand because your account is anonymous, remember that the celebrity you maligned is rich and will remain rich no matter what you say.

Remember that the next time you want to say anything bad about Arci Munoz's nose or whatever part of her anatomy.

Leave the girl alone and stop the hate.

MET #metropolitanartmuseumnewyork #centralparknewyork

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