UPSIZE PH | Revitalize and Rejuvenate with Karada's One-of-a-Kind Japanese Body Therapy

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Revitalize and Rejuvenate with Karada's One-of-a-Kind Japanese Body Therapy

Revitalize and Rejuvenate with Karada's One-of-a-Kind Japanese Body Therapy

Massage parlors, spas, and home service massages are all over the Metro. We hate to sound so tita but somehow these have become our happy place - an end goal to a busy month or week.


Sometimes though, massages just don't seem enough. Sitting down for long periods of time from constant traveling and being burned out from all the work makes us need more than just relieving the muscles.


We are so delighted to have found love and peace with Karada.


Karada was founded in Japan by Koyasu Yuki. It provides body therapy services based on Japanese traditions. What makes Karada different from the usual massage is that they assess and address your constant source of pain whereas massages only relaxes stiff muscles providing only temporary relief.


They address the misaligned bone and not the muscles which actually provides a more permanent relief and less heavy feeling after the session.

Experience Karada and you will literally hear your bones crack and all your stress and worries go away.


My personal favorite treatment is the AP and Body Treatment where they align your entire body. But of course, each treatment is different per patient depending on where your most frequent pain occurs. 


Mine is the upper and lower back and neck area so they focus much on this when I have my treatment done. They align my shoulder blades to prevent slouching and crack my neck and upper back to relieve the stress.

What got me shook is how effective stretching the legs and hamstrings are when it comes to curing back pain. Apparently, I needed to do a lot of stretches in other parts of my body as well to lessen the ache I feel on my back.

They have therapists with different specializations. Cracking the neck for instance, since this is a very sensitive part of the body, only specialized therapists can do that. So with your treatment, you could have two or three therapists.

Karada Treatment Indonesia

Before and after the session, they give you a small glass of warm water and give you effective tips on how you can maintain a proper posture and less body pain.

No need to worry about your clothes too. They do not use any oil cause they only stretch and align your body. They also provide black shirts and black jogging pants available in several sizes for you to wear for the therapy. 

Rest assured, the materials and equipment they use are all clean and all therapists are professionals. According to my therapist, the Japanese owners are pretty strict and do not allow mediocre service at any time.

There are now several tranquil franchise stores in the Philippines you can visit. If you have no idea which service to get, you can call the Karada nearest you for a quick consultation over the phone and make your reservation.

*Post photo from Karada.

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