UPSIZE PH | 5 Things You Can Expect to Surely Happen After New Year's Day

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5 Things You Can Expect to Surely Happen After New Year's Day

5 Things You Can Expect to Surely Happen After New Year's Day

The clock strikes back into reality and when the holidays are officially over so is the joyful hearty feasts that we are more than happy to dine on, the school and work free days that everyone loves, and most of all we go back to doing the traditional things that more often than not always happens after new years.

Resolution Hysteria


Beginning a new year is a fresh start to finally do the things that you always said you would do, but never did. Take for example living a healthier life #fitspiration, seem familiar? You start off by buying all these healthy food and researching like a boss on recipes and exercised, maybe even join a gym. However, a couple of weeks later you’re back to eating what you ate last year. Sad but with all been there, hopefully not again.

Rejuvenated Self-love


Time to put the past behind us and bury the hatchet because who need all that negativity that will just bring us down later on. Treat yourself to some positive changes that will kickstart your year to greater heights, get a new haircut that you’ve never tried before, spend a day pampering yourself, and block off a day to spend with loved ones.

Buck up and Declutter


Everyone has a tendency to hoard things that they don’t need and often these items are forgotten about a few days after acquiring them and are only remembered when they are magically found in a pile of clothes or under the bed. Time to organize your life starting with your belongings, sort, recycle, and donate them to people who have more use for them. 

Self Investment

Your Story

Material possessions are short term happiness and it’s never too late or early to start in investing in yourself by developing new skills that will leverage your career and help you reach your goals and dreams. Every step and action that you take is a chance to be closer to a better future.

Goal Setting


Whether it be big or small for the next 12 months, it’s not a bad idea to map out realistic small goals that we want to achieve and this way we are ensuring that we are spending the days wisely and productive as possible. 

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