UPSIZE PH | On the Last Two Months of 2016: How to Make It Count

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On the Last Two Months of 2016: How to Make It Count

On the Last Two Months of 2016: How to Make It Count

Whoever told you to just wait for 2016 to be over is making a huge mistake.

Two months is still a lot of time to do things that scare you, that make you feel, and that allow you to transcend the limit you had set. These two months have the greatest number of hoidays, I think, and that alone should push you into not taking the remaining months of the year for granted.

If your last 10 months were riddled with discontent, monotony,a nd confusion, then allow me to share some ideas that could turn around your year to something unforgettable.

What do you have to do, you ask. Simple. Just say yes.

Say yes to new friendships. There’s that oh so familiar stranger you constantly see in the coffeeshop or in the bookstore, you’re hesitant to strike a conversation because: What if he is dangerous?; What if he is busy and *gasps* ignores you? Use your judgement, take a leap of faith, and ready your conversation starter. To paraphrase W.B Yeats, a poet,  “There are no strangers in this world,  only friends waiting to be met. Apart from strangers, you also have the officemate you’ve never talked to, the schoolmate you never noticed, and a relative you never gave a second chance. After all, one can never have too many friends.

Say yes to a party invitation. November and December are known for parties and reunions. There’s the office party, the class party, and the org’s party; then there’s the family reunion, the elementary class, highschool, and college reunions. So many events in these two months that you’d sorely miss out if you do not attend even just one or two. Leave that comfortable bed and the TV for once, allow your party-self to take over, and have a different kind of fun. You can’t say for sure you won’t like it, unless you try it.

Say yes to trying out a new look. Now that I’ve talked you into attending a party (I hope), it’s time to go for that new look you’ve always been afraid of having. Get a new haircut. Try a new make-up brand.  Wear a different color of lipstick. Buy that quite expensive, form-fitting dress. Show off thosecurves and let your outside reflect the beauty that is within you.

Say yes to beautiful escapades. If the last 10 months stressed you out too much that you don’t have the energy to meet someone new, to attend a party, or to try a new look, at least for the sake of not burning out, try your best to get out of town (link Ilocos article) or even out of the country (link Japan article). I’ve always believed that new places offer fesh persoectives. In leaving the stress-inducing place of whereever you are, you’ll be surprised at how much more beautiful the world is when seen from a different vantage point.

The year 2016, like any other year, gave us a lot to think about. But unlike any other, it gave us another set of different experiences. Allow these last two months to surprise you. You have to take that step, that risk to make sure that your 2016 will end on a high note. 

This can still be the year you claim is yours.

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