UPSIZE PH | How to Deal With Being Single This Holiday Season

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How to Deal With Being Single This Holiday Season

How to Deal With Being Single This Holiday Season

Feeling blue this Christmas? If yes, you are not alone, millions of other girls feel the same way. 

As one of our articles pointed out, majority of the world’s population is made up of single people. That surely boosts our hope that our “the one” is lurking somewhere, waiting for us.

Before we meet him though, we should get through this holiday season, which they say, is one of the worst times to be single. I beg to disagree. 

There are a lot of ways on how you, as an empowered, single woman, can make this season the best one yet.

Love yourself.

That sounded so cliché, but before being able to share or give love to others, you have to learn how to accept and be happy of who you are.  You have to stop focusing on your relationship status. Stop letting it define who you are. You are someone with goals and ambitions, someone who is loved, and if that love isn’t romantic, then center your attention on the ones you have.

Spend time with family and friends.

Let them know that you appreciate them. Get in touch with a childhood friend, go somewhere touristy with cousins, take your parents out for dinner, share a merienda with your favorite teachers and make their day.

Take a chunk out of your schedule and devote it to a charity.

The holidays more than the twinkling lights and reunions, is a time for giving. Yes, you are single and you feel lonely most of the time, but there are people who have it worse. Make them feel special and soon enough you’ll be sharing not only your time but laughter and smiles.

Go somewhere cold.

I’ve always been a fan of Baguio I think the City of Pines is where being alone doesn’t equate to being lonely.  The warmth of the people, the scent of the pines, and the cool weather will surely make you think on how there is more to being with someone like how you can enjoy a day marveling at the mountains, at the collection of works of a national artist, and at children playing in the park. 

Take up a new hobby.

One of the best things (and also the worst) during holidays is that you’ll have a lot of spare time on your hands. Learning something new will not only help you in filling up a void in your schedule, it could also help you in gaining fulfillment and confidence in yourself. Also, it can be a great idea to hit two birds with one stone, get a new hobby and lose the weight you gain from all the good food served during the holidays e.g. mountain climbing, biking, running. These physical actvities can also be your form of bonding with friends and relatives.

The holidays should always be a season for celebration. Being single shouldn’t stop you from making the most out of everyday. Remember, majority of the world’s population is made up of single people. Mr. Right is waiting.

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