UPSIZE PH | More than Anything, Learn to Love Yourself

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More than Anything, Learn to Love Yourself

More than Anything, Learn to Love Yourself

Look at the mirror. Do you like what you see?

When I was in college, we were required to enroll in swimming classes. Most girls in our class, including me, were anxious about the first day -- and perhaps, for the entire duration of the course itself.

Why not? Enrolling in the subject meant wearing revealing swimsuits for at least two hours every week.

The scars in our legs, which were well-hidden by the long dresses and pants we perenially wore, would inevitably be unveiled. There was no way, too, given the uniform swimsuit provided by the university, to conceal our bat wings and chicken-skinned underarms.

How many times have you found yourself in a similar situation?

How many hours have you spent rummaging through shelves in beauty shops, looking for the perfect cream that will lighten the stretch marks on your inner thighs? How many concealers and foundations have you tried, in search of that which perfectly hides the bags under your eyes?

Will these imperfections -- the varicose veins, the small bust, the pimples -- matter if your best friends reveal them to you? Will you judge them if you find them wearing short skirts despite the cellulite on their legs? (Probably not.)

Will you love them, and have their back, in spite of all the blackheads and warts? (Definitely.)

Then why are you judging youself for the same things? Why aren’t you loving yourself?

It has been said time and again -- and the truth it holds isn’t diminished by the number of repetitions -- that everyone has flaws and insecurities.

Embracing the imperfections of others and the consequent comforting sense of acceptance are gifts you generously give. Learn to extend the same loving gaze to yourself.

This is one way to be able to look in the mirror... and see beauty.

Guess what happened in our swimming class.

After some years, no one remembers now who among us in class had scarred legs, chicken-skinned underarms, and bat wings.

The very things that made us anxious didn’t even matter.


How do you love yourself?

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