UPSIZE PH | Why Think Twice When You Can Always Choose To Be Happy

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Why Think Twice When You Can Always Choose To Be Happy

Why Think Twice When You Can Always Choose To Be Happy

Have you ever thought your life would be eons better “if only” you were someone else?

Have you ever envied the angelic face of that commercial model and how, at the same time, it can be sexy and sultry? Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have that face -- how men would ogle in your every turn; how you could finally catch the attention of your crush?

Have you ever imagined yourself wearing the body of a bikini model? Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have curves that will fit perfectly into any dress; how it would feel like to have the luxury of options when shopping?

Have you ever thought how your life would change if you were anything you’re not?

The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day. Sure, we cannot change our past or how other people are. But we can change our perception about life; we can change our attitude.

Instead of wallowing in self-pity and sulking on your imperfections, take an active stance in being a better version of yourself.

Feeling heavy? Join a fitness class. If enrolling in a gym seems too nerve-wracking, start a ten-minute workout routine at home and stay positive.

Want to lose weight? Switch up your diet, drink lots of water, and hit the gym. It's all about willpower if you know what you really want.

Feeling ugly? Make a mental list of all the things you can be proud of. Perhaps, your chinita eyes are more mesmerizing than you thought of. Perhaps your button nose is perfect, or your hair has bouncy, natural curls. Appreciate what you have.

Stop dwelling in your negative thoughts and start embracing optimism.

You have heard it many times before: Live life to the fullest. Interestingly, this will only happen if you leave the life you know.

Let go of the things that you cannot control, and change that which you can.


How would you say goodbye to the things you don’t like much about yourself?

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