UPSIZE PH | 'Moxie' is girl power inspired by a 1990s movement

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'Moxie' is girl power inspired by a 1990s movement

'Moxie' is girl power inspired by a 1990s movement

Moxie, a Netflix Original Movie, is based on the young adult book of the same title by Jennifer Mathieu.

The main character is a teenager named Vivian Carter, who becomes fed up with the misogyny at her school. Inspired by her mom's rebellious past as a punk rock Riot Grrrl in the ’90s, Vivian leads a feminist movement in her school via an underground 'zine called Moxie.

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The Netflix movie, directed by Amy Poehler, stars Hadley Robinson as 16-year-old Vivian, Alycia Pascual-Peña as Lucy, Lauren Tsai as Claudia, Marcia Gay Harden as the school principal, Patrick Schwarzenegger as the school bully Mitchell Wilson, Sabrina Haskett as Kaitlynn and many others.

Amy Poehler plays Vivian's mom.

Photo credit: Netflix

Photo credit: Netflix

Nico Hiraga as Seth, Vivian's love interest, kind of unexpectedly steals the show with his charm.

Photo credit: @nicotheduffer on Instagram

Photo credit: @nicotheduffer on Instagram

The OST is dominated by Bikini Kill, particularly "Rebel Girl," which is covered in the film by the teenage band The Linda Lindas.

Bikini Girl pioneered the riot grrrl culture in the 1990s and their songs tackled rape culture and female solidarity.

"Moxie," as a movie, is a bit simplistic, considering that it deals with themes like gender inequality and date rape.

Some of the characters like Claudia and Lucy needed more development, in our opinion.

But it is nevertheless an enlightening, entertaining and endearing movie that every teenager and adult should watch.

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