UPSIZE PH | 5 Bad Eating Habits You're Probably Too Guilty Of

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5 Bad Eating Habits You're Probably Too Guilty Of

5 Bad Eating Habits You're Probably Too Guilty Of

When even worst enemies can agree upon that fact that food is life then it really is the epitome of bringing people together. However, with delicious food come habits that everyone has gone through and still are guilty off to this day. Bad eating habits prevent us from having a healthy and fit body because we’re so absorbed into the routine that breaking seems almost too difficult.

1. The Sweet Fiend

For those that have the dreaded sweet tooth, keeping away from sweet pleasures like candies, chocolates, and pastries seem like a nightmare. However, too much sugar causes your energy levels to escalate and within a few minutes, a drop making you feel queasy and unfulfilled.


And the added fat from the sweets only adds inches to your budding waistline, making it harder to lose the pounds.

2. The Green Hater

Remember when you were a kid and your mom would always try her hardest to feed you vegetables and you hated it?


Well your mom was right and that green stuff you always pushed away is good for you, it helps regulate your bowel movements and is essential to keeping a balanced diet. 

3. The Portion Junkie

Everything is better in moderation, it’s hard to do at first but I can guarantee that you’ll wish you had less of everything you binge on because you’ll make yourself sick eating huge quantities of food. Keep in mind that a good diet consists of everything on the food pyramid, not just a select few.


4. The Snack Machine

Feeling peckish during the day is normal and getting up to grab a bite to snack on is no crime. What you choose to snack on is entirely dependent on you, if you’ve prepared healthy and filling snacks that will satisfy your hunger cravings then good job!


Chips and chocolates, you know you’ll get hungry again within a few minutes after consuming them.

5. The Meal Skipper

It isn’t always about eating too much or having all the wrong food that makes bad eating habits, skipping meals and going on throughout the day with little to no substantial food is damaging to your health.


Don’t skip meals especially when you have a busy day ahead, you need the energy to go about your routine and if there's no food to break down to convert to energy then you’ll crash and burn sooner than you think.

Which one are you guilty of being? Tell us in the comments below!

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