UPSIZE PH | 5 Most Basic Types of Tea You Should Know About

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5 Most Basic Types of Tea You Should Know About

5 Most Basic Types of Tea You Should Know About

For years, coffee has been pretty popular on the libation scene since the constant sprouting of coffee shops in our country. However, some of us still don't very much like the strong brewed taste of coffee and would prefer a nice cuppa tea. Besides, coffee shops offer not just coffee but tea as well. 

Tea has existed as early as civilization found out that they can brew certain plant leaves and it has helped people survive for years. Throughout the course of time, tea has evolved into its many purposes from medicinal to simply relaxation and leisure.

Begin your journey with tea (and impress a few friends along the way) by knowing these 5 most basic types of tea that you should totally know about.


The Spruce

This is the most common type of tea. As its color suggests, it is darker, stronger, and more aromatic. Though this is the most caffeinated of the basic bunch, its caffeine content is still at least less than half than that of your usual coffee.

Black tea has produced several variations that play around its strong characteristics. Our favorite are Darjeeling and Earl Grey.

Twinings of London Darjeeling Tea

Twinings of London Earl Grey Tea

Best works with a dash of warm milk and a bit of sugar, this is also great as a base for house blend iced tea mixes!


Maya Tea

Brew this and instantly feel a sudden urge of relaxation just from its aroma. Oolongs are semi-oxidized so they have the body of the black tea and the freshness of the green. Oolong is also known as the connoisseur's tea because of the complexity in its notes and flavor.

TWG Grand Oolong Tea

Dilmah All Natural Traditional Oolong Tea

Best works with milk and sugar and may also be mixed with raw honey. 


BBC Good Food

Probably the most popular in the bunch, green tea is best known type that helps calm your stressed self. This is because green tea, once picked is allowed to wither only a bit after being picked. Unlike other teas, it is not oxidized so there is not much caffeine in it which explains its soothing effect.

Twinings of London Pure Green Tea

Lipton Green Tea with Mint

Best works alone or with a squeeze of fresh lemon.



Undergoing the least processes, white tea is the most delicate type. Unlike other types, it has a natural sweetness but despite its subtle taste, white tea may not exactly have a lesser caffeine content compared to other types depending on how you brew it.

Twinings of London Pure White Tea

Harney & Sons Ceylon Vintage Silver Tips

Best works on its own since this is usually mixed with more subtle flavors from flowers and dried wood.


Pu'er isn't as popular as the first four we've mentioned but this is probably the most "tea" as tea can get. An aged black tea from China, this type of tea is best known for its medicinal properties. From curing hangovers to reducing cholesterol, the powers of this beautiful, ancient tea makes it mysterious.

Yunnan Menghai Raw Pu'er Ripe Cooked Old Tea (available in Lazada)

Yunnan Shimonoseki Tuocha Pu'er Tea (available in Lazada)

Typically consumed after meals to help with digestion, puer is best consumed on its own - in a proper China teacup if you may.

Types of Tea, TeaSource
About Tea Types, The Tea Spot

Understanding Tea Types by Lindsey Goodwin , The Spruce
Types of Tea, Tea Class

Types of Tea, Tea People

*This article is not sponsored by the brands mentioned above.

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