UPSIZE PH | Sephora Just Released an NSFW-Looking Makeup Sponge

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Sephora Just Released an NSFW-Looking Makeup Sponge

Sephora Just Released an NSFW-Looking Makeup Sponge

It’s so awkward, it’ll make you cringe.

Before we go on, again, here's your average, ordinary beauty blender which always helped us beat our faces for the gods. Just to remind you:

Beauty Blender

Just when you thought you’ve seen all the crazy make-up there is online, wait till you get your hands on Sephora’s newest make-up sponge that’s making the rounds in social media. And it’s freaking everyone who’s seen it online.

We’d like to think Sephora has come up with something creative and cute. Coral in color, and aptly called the Ocean Crush Sponge set, it’s obviously riding on the mermaid trend for the summer. Like most makeup blenders, this one has a nice round base with a pointed tip. The thing that sets it apart from the others though are its multiple ridges near the tip.


So what exactly is the problem? Looking at it closely, the sponge looks more like uh, a penis than it does a conch shell (which is what the applicator is really supposed to be patterned after).

The makeup applicator is paraben-free and made of lightweight material and affordable, selling for only $12.


Why the odd shape you may ask? “The sponges have multiple ridges and points, as well as a flat cut edge on the base to apply makeup to larger areas of the face,” according to the makeup brand’s website. We don’t know how this is possible though.


What Sephora thought to be something innocent and probably cute, the internet turned NSFW. People on Twitter and Facebook have been on an uproar since the release of the makeup sponge.

If it’s any good as the ones from beauty blender, we still have to find out.

BRB, while we check it out for ourselves.

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