UPSIZE PH | The Top 11 Most Amazing Diva Vocals of Our Modern Generation

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The Top 11 Most Amazing Diva Vocals of Our Modern Generation

The Top 11 Most Amazing Diva Vocals of Our Modern Generation

Let’s be honest. We’re all aware of who the most amazing, iconic divas of all time are.


You have your Whitney, Celine, Mariah, Aretha, Etta, among others. But as their music continues to live on, it inspired a talented bunch of very skilled artists who are earning their title as modern day divas.


All singers have ups and downs but the women on this list have showcased their intense vocal prowess on several powerful live performances. With that, here are our top favorite divas of today in no particular order:

1. Beyoncé

We are all no stranger to the fact that Bey owns the crown when talking about all-out live performances. But more than her awe-inspiring set productions, breathtaking dance routines, and captivating costumes is her nothing-less-than-amazing voice.

She’s not just a diva - she’s a diva who can hit the high notes and perform some crazy riffs and all while dancing in high heels or a really tight dress.


2. Lady Gaga

There is no doubt that nearly each and every eye in this generation has watched Lady Gaga go from Poker Face to total stardom. She may have sprouted and gained fame from her electronic dance era but Mother Monster is no stranger to music. More than just pop, she has proven herself a versatile artist creating albums that explored other genres like rock, country, and even jazz.

Lady Gaga has shown her pure, raw voice singing live with just piano accompaniment several times and her power, control, and versatility definitely makes her a diva.


3. Ariana Grande

How awesome should you be to be compared to one of the greatest divas of all time? Ariana is no stranger to being compared to Mariah and for good reason - girl’s got the pipes. From her soft, gentle falsetto hits to full chest tones and whistles, Ariana has been crowned the new ultimate diva of this generation.

Hitting high notes so effortlessly, Ariana knows how to take down the house.


4. Sia

Eclectic and unique, Sia is a returning act we’d love to watch and listen to every single time. Her vocals are insane and her iconic sort of breaking voice technique that she ever so constantly does always takes our breath away. She may not show her face but Sia knows artistic performance and how to play with her voice to make a song more interesting.

Sia belts out high notes like you never expect it and this is what makes her a damn good diva.


5. Demi Lovato

Demi may have been constantly in the news for certain issues and we hope she could recover from that because we adore her so much! She is one of those artists who you never actually expect to have such a crazy voice that can hit super high notes in unbelievable full power.

Every single time she does a live performance of one of her songs, she belts out the parts that need to be belted out without hesitation and that’s why she’s one of our top divas.


6. Jessie J

Jessie J is a really smart performer. She can bend and break her songs during live performances so you never really know what to expect. And as much as she can hit her lows, she can hit AND PLAY with her high notes too and she knows how to let it riff (hehe). She is just too perfect to be real.

She can make pop sound so good. With one note, you know it’s Jessie J.


7. Jennifer Hudson

This list would not be complete without American Idol alumnus, Jennifer Hudson. If you’ve watched her on the competition or even just on Dreamgirls, you know there are no words to describe how good she is.

Jennifer Hudson is so good, you can put her alongside the all-time greatest divas and she can still fit in.


8. Christina Aguilera

The woman who preached how everybody’s Beautiful and told us What a Girl Wants, Christina Aguilera made hit after hit after hit with notes that played from low to high that you can’t always exactly even sing along with it unless you can actually sing. She is one of the most well-known artists who can belt out a whistle without much effort.

Iconic, classic, diva.


9. Adele

Adele has songs that hits all the right spots and makes your heart melt. Performing live, she can give so much justice to her songs that you just start crying whenever you hear her. With Adele’s live singing performances, you can her character and appreciate the real story of the song all while listening to her smoothly hit all the right notes.

We have Adele on this list because in so far as all the live performances of hers we’ve heard, it’s all so clean and serene while throwing so much power and emotion and that makes her a diva.


10. Joss Stone

You may or may not be familiar with Joss Stone but that’s okay. She’s not been really out on the mainstream pop industry lately. But in case you’re unfamiliar with her, you have to listen to her songs and watch her live performances. She packs a helluva voice that can belt out the craziest of blues and you don’t even know where she’s taking it all from.

How can you tell she’s a diva? She had a duet with none other than Patti LaBelle herself for Chicken Little’s soundtrack. Check it out.

11. Morissette Amon

How can we not include our very own on this list? Also a singing contest alumnus, Morissette has been shaking several stages with her ultra powerful vocals. Her style is just so one-of-a-kind in the local music scene that you can’t exactly pinpoint or compare her to one great Filipino artist. You can tell she has major control of her voice that most Filipinos are not used to seeing and hearing from local artists that she was accused of lip syncing on one of her performances when she was totally not.

We are too proud to call this our very own diva. What a time to be alive!

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