UPSIZE PH | We Get 'Major Major' But What in the World was 'Build Build Build'?

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We Get 'Major Major' But What in the World was 'Build Build Build'?

We Get 'Major Major' But What in the World was 'Build Build Build'?

Binibining Pilipinas candidate number 35, Sandra Lemonon, made headlines at the 2018 Binibining Pilipinas. She received kind words and support as she honestly answered the Q&A when she had no idea what her question was about.

Hello!!! I’m sorry that I haven’t posted this sooner! I was actually terrified to look at my phone after what happened last Sunday night 🙈😭. I needed some time to reflect & to let it all sink in. I cannot believe the amount of support & understanding each & one of you has showed me this past hard days & I am so grateful for it. I really wasn’t expecting this response at all, so thank you ❤️ I want to thank everyone who has helped me grow into the person I am today, to my mentors 🍋😘,Tito Edwin Uy for making me feel like a goddess warrior in my national costume & like a queen in my evening gown 😘💥✨ I cherish the friendship that we have build and I cannot wait to support one another again in the future ✨ To my lemonade family! Mahal mahal po kayo 🍋✨😘 sleepless nights hand painting the props just to make me sure we would Pasabog, I have never experience such selflessness & this is one of the biggest memories I will cherish forever, I feel so loved & supported 😭 & I couldn’t thank you enough for choosing me as your 👑 To my family, who at first was unsure of me but decided to stick by me in the end, especially my mom who commuted from batangas to Manila just to see me, & my baby sister @sandyleunicorn I love you😘💥💋 To my binibining sisters, thank you for the craziest 2months, that until coronation night there was still no sabotages 😅😂😝 To my Romie Lauren 💋 thank you for making it so fun & comfortable living with you 😅 even for just 2days. My 9.5 girls! @gumabaomichele @catriona_gray You know I adore you both to bits, thank you for making time fly & leaving me with a stomach full of air because of our laughter 😂🙈💥 I couldn’t be more proud of you & I know you will both slay & bring home the 👑’s 😘 To @rlalauren who took her time & bought me all this beautiful clothes when I had none to wear 😅 & brought it all the way from L.A to the Philippines! You are the definition of what a true friend is & I will never forget what you did for me 😘 To @joschicopter who was backstage waiting for me after the show was over & was there to give me my first hug & let me cry after my defeat 😭, thank you for being there in that moment it really meant a lot to me

A post shared by Limonada🍋 (@sandralemonon) on

To be completely honest, we didn't either. And usually, it's our job to research. And so without further ado, here is what 'Build Build Build' is.

The Department of Finance ((DOF) has assured the public of the financial sustainability of the Duterte administration’s ambitious “Build, Build, Build” program that is designed to modernize the country’s infrastructure backbone by rolling out 75 flagship projects worth a combined total of $36 billion in investments.

This is in keeping with the government’s goal to sustain rapid growth, attract investments and attain economic inclusion for all Filipinos, according to DOF Undersecretary Grace Karen Singson.

Singson said an infrastructure forum that the enactment into law of the Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion Act (TRAIN), which will ensure a steady revenue flow for the government totaling P786 billion over the medium term, along with prudent fiscal management and declining debt service payments, will make this ambitious infrastructure buildup financially feasible

“Though ambitious, every penny is worth spending for. The ‘Build, Build, Build’ program will create 1.7 million jobs by 2022 as well as secure our country’s fast-paced growth in the medium term,” said Singson at the 1st Global Infrastructure Forum held recently at the Sofitel Philippine Plaza.
— DOF Tax Reform (


Well then there you go. To be more specific, Sandra was only asked what her insights were on the 'Build Build Build' project and if that was uh.. me, I would've bullshitted my way through and said some generalized answer that I think I could relate to the context of the project's name without knowing anything. This is government + it's infrastructure. So of course, doing that would leave me looking all silly on national television.

But hey, that's why I'm no beauty queen.


Proud of you, Sandra! And we're even prouder that she actually took time to google what this project is and finally tell us what she thinks about it.

Thank you for reminding us that there's no shame in being honest about things you don't know. It's always better to just admit you don't know something and allow yourself to be corrected than to pretend you know it all. That's one smart queen.

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