UPSIZE PH | 6 Reasons Why #WeWantUberGrab

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6 Reasons Why #WeWantUberGrab

6 Reasons Why #WeWantUberGrab

These two entities have been in tough competition for the Philippine market since they started operating big time not just in Manila but in the entire country.

Nonetheless, it has always been a healthy competition between these two and to be honest, no one's complaining.

Until recently..

"Before the end of the month, the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) will start apprehending drivers accredited by ride-hailing companies and impound their cars if they continue to operate as public conveyances without franchises.

After imposing a P5-million fine on ride-sharing companies Grab and Uber, the LTFRB said that by July 26, drivers face P120,000 in fine and their vehicles would be impounded for at least three months if found to be operating without a certificate of public conveyance or provisional license from the agency.

The LTFRB action came after agency officials met with representatives of the ride-hailing companies Uber, Grab and U-Hop on Tuesday," reported by Inquirer.

We don't like delving into political/governance issues but this is just too damn crazy and not helpful at all.

And here's our 2 cents and 5 pesos on why #WeWantUberGrab:

Convenience and Safety

Ever since they were introduced in the Metro, life has never been easier. We may be empowered women capable of handling ourselves but we sadly still do not belong in an empowered society who knows respect and when no means no.

Gone are the days when we go through additional battle on the streets. We don't want to hail sketchy taxis and wait for jeepneys when we go home late at night. We're tired of freaking out in the bus for fear of getting robbed.

Upsized Society

The experience of Uber and Grab has finally blessed our poor, polluted society with a taste of an upgrade. People are willing to pay for all the good service these transport groups provide.

A Cheaper Alternative

There are a lot of car owners who prefer riding on Uber or Grab instead of bringing their own simply because it is cheaper and as convenient as having your own driver. Can you imagine the less expense on your driver's fee, your driver's food, parking fee, and many more?

Helps Lessen Traffic

You can only imagine how crazy traffic is in the Metro. We believe there are two factors to this - the crazy, dirt cheap price of cars and the uneducated drivers freely roaming around the streets. Uber and Grab are actually perfect alternatives to this. 

See, with Uber and Grab, drivers are at least 90% sure to be educated since these private companies wouldn't dare get drivers or operators who would ruin their brands. Also, since Uber and Grab are regulated by private companies, you'd know that the cars are working perfectly. 

Since more and more people realize the value of Uber and Grab as opposed to purchasing their own cars, it lessens the number of automobiles on the road and helps lessen traffic.

Alternative for Cleaner Streets

Less cars on the road = less pollution. Plus, Uber and Grab makes sure that the cars their operators are running are not older than 5 years or sometimes even 3. This is pretty much self-explanatory and in relation to our previous point.

Tracking and their General System

This is in relation to safety provided by these transportation services. Did you know that Uber and Grab can track their drivers? So whatever item you left in there, you are sure you can get back. Plus, there is in no way that the driver could mislead you cause these services can track where their cars are going.

So what could be in it for the LTFRB? Honestly, we don't know. We also do not understand how they're promoting good governance here. There have been several cases of crime happening in taxis, buses, and jeepneys that are with no doubt much worse than what is reported with Uber and Grab.

How else can we stop the LTFRB from apprehending what seems to be the safest option of travel in the Metro? Be heard. Post a tweet, instagram, or facebook with the hashtag #WeWantUberGrab. 

It may not seem much but it's the most we can do right now. So go ahead and speak your mind! Every voice counts.


*Post photo from CNN Philippines.


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