UPSIZE PH | How to Survive Labor Day Weekend at #Laboracay2017

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How to Survive Labor Day Weekend at #Laboracay2017

How to Survive Labor Day Weekend at #Laboracay2017

So you’re spending the long Labor Day weekend at #LaBoracay, huh? On its fourth year, party organizers are saying this is the biggest, most fun, most challenging, most exciting and sexiest one mounted just yet. 

Now we know how these huge beach parties go since and if this is going to be your first time to attend such a shindig, heed our tips on surviving your first-ever Laboracay Weekend: 

It’s #LaBoracay, not #LaBasura

Labor day weekend at Boracay draws in throngs of people from the world over. This means sand being displaced and eeky trash everywhere. Keep the beaches clean. Throw your trash in the bin and segregate if you can. 

Wear comfy clothes.

Sure, #LaBoracay is a huge party place where you can be at your stylish best. But please, leave the heels at the hotel and wear something comfier. Imagine yourself being in a mosh pit dancing to the awesome beats, sweating like a pig because you chose to wear a jacket. At the beach, really? 

Leave the valuables in your room where it's safer.

Don’t bring too much cash on you or all your gadgets even. The sheer number of people during #LaBoracay events grows every single year. If you don’t want to lose anything, best not to be lugging around a huge bag with your valuables in it. You don’t want to lose your beloved iPhone 7 now, do you? 


#LaBoracay is the perfect excuse to get hung over with your friends while partying the night away. Thing is, your body will make you remember it via a splitting headache in the morning. Drink a glass or two of water in between alcohol binges to keep your body hydrated. Your liver and kidneys will thank you for it. 

Have fun.

The point of going to #LaBoracay is to have fun with your friends and meet new ones, too. Mingle and go around and just have fun. Don’t stress about the lack of space like you’re in the MRT only half-undressed nor the fact that it’s freakin’ hot, you’re sweaty and the guy beside you is cute. Enjoy the moment but stay safe!

Do share us photos if you’re celebrating Labor Day at #LaBoracay! We’re already jealous. 

*Post photo from 8tracks Radio.

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