UPSIZE PH | 6 Reasons Why We Think Justice League Was Okay (MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD)

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6 Reasons Why We Think Justice League Was Okay (MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD)

6 Reasons Why We Think Justice League Was Okay (MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD)

Directed by Zack Snyder, with help from the all-mighty Joss Whedon, Justice League is a fun movie if you will enter the movie house with extremely low expectations.

That the pacing was uneven, the cinematography was underwhelming (and sometimes, annoying), the villain was a little hard to take are just some of the observations made by audience, fans, and critics after watching Justice League.

The recently released Warner Bros movie is being roasted by critics and we at Upsize would like to deviate from the hate and give you a few reasons why a trip to the cinema is still worth it.


1. Amazons!


Yes, these amazing fighters made an appearance and it was oh so magnificent.  Short as their presence in the film maybe, these kickass women did the scene so well that a few more minutes wouldn’t have hurt.

2. Ezra Miller as Flash.

Barry Allen is one of the best parts of the movie, and Ezra Miller made it possible. He was last seen in Fantastic Beasts as the enigmatic Credence Barebone. In Justice League, we see Miller as the loyal son, the quirky, starstruck superhero, and basically the light of the film.


Seeing him interact with the rest of the team will surely be one of your favorite parts. His fun banter with Aquaman (Jason Momoa) is definitely something to watch out for.

3. Wonder Woman.

An applause for the feminist stance the film has taken in making Wonder Woman the glue and the sane one on the team. Gal Gadot has become one of the benchmarks in being a superhero when she first graced the big screen as the title character in Wonder Woman just this year.

W Magazine

The heartbroken Diana Prince from the end of Wonder Woman has become a force to be reckoned with in Justice League. She is a believer, after all.

4. Lois Lane and Clark Kent

Dead? Nope. Superman returned to save the day. At the start, things got a little messy when it seemed that he didn’t want to be disturbed from what could have been a permanent rest. No superhero was strong enough to make him pause.


It was a journalist who made the difference. Love may not seemed to conquer everything, but it could make Kal-El be the hero we know.

5. Cheesy dialogue for laughs


The key to appreciating some of the scenes that are a little cringey would be not to take it too seriously. There were lines that didn’t go well with the scenes, but a laugh here and there doesn’t hurt.

6. Who is faster credits scene!

Coming Soon

The ongoing rivalry between Superman and Flash is just too entertaining to watch and Warner Bros understands that, thus to settle the debacle, a race on a dirt road ensued.

No, we still don’t know who’s faster.

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