UPSIZE PH | 10 Things You Can Do To Show Yourself Some Love

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10 Things You Can Do To Show Yourself Some Love

10 Things You Can Do To Show Yourself Some Love

Every once in a while, we get burned out and tired from the quick pace of our daily lives. There are just those days when you'd come home, look at yourself in the mirror, and not exactly know what you're looking at. We've all been there - even the best of us. Thankfully, life is always giving us chances to get back up. 

If there's anything more powerful than a woman scorned, it's a woman empowered by self-love. Sad as it might sound but reality is, sometimes, you might not be able to receive love from others as often as you need it. So who else to turn to than yourself, right?

Here are 9 things you can do to give yourself the love you truly deserve.

1. Eat, drink, and be merry

This is probably the most obvious item in this list. Nothing beats good food and good drinks to make yourself feel a lot better. You most definitely know how much you deserve only the best and there's totally no shame in enjoying your meal at a restaurant or a bar alone. If you think you're not up for that, you can always buy some takeaways and bring it home.


2. Shop

We can't deny that shopping is every woman's favorite hobby. It doesn't even have to be clothes or makeup or shoes. It could be books or school supplies or even stuff for your home. Whatever floats your boat, you can show yourself some lovin' by splurging on yourself and what you want. 


3. Get some pampering

Your friends are probably just too nice to tell you but you're starting to look like a less fabulous corpse bride. Go get yourself some pampering sesh, girl! It's awesome to go to a spa or a salon to get whatever treatment you want but nothing feels better than an at home DIY pampering sesh (with probably a bit of Netflix).


It's easy to get affordable and amazing self-care products anywhere. We do this on the regular. When we're lazy, it's BeautyMNL and Sephora. But when we're in the mood to unwind and physically shop, we like to bond with the friendly people over at Watsons and get cool deals on our favorite products.

4. Travel alone - spontaneously

Okay, this may be a bit of a jump from the Watsons shopping experience but it totally works. When you're down and your mind's already too clouded from all the things in the city, grab your calendar, find a long weekend, and choose a cheap ass destination you could unwind to.


It doesn't even have to be overseas. The Philippines has a lot of beautiful locations you could go. If you're up for the spontaneity though, go ahead and book a flight to a Southeast Asian country! You can do Thailand and Singapore for a weekend without spending so much. Traveling alone to a place where no one else knows you gives you a fresh perspective on things, helping you get ready for the next challenges of life.

5. Create a power playlist

Girl, we know you've been creating scenarios in your mind while you're listening to your playlist on the way to work. No shame in that - we all do it. It's the power of your creativity. Why not harness that and create a playlist full of empowering songs that will make you appreciate yourself more and give yourself that 'feel good' feeling?

6. Have a lazy weekend

The first items on this list suggests you do something. Sometimes though, the best way of showing yourself some love is to do nothing. You've been knee-deep at work, juggling your career and life so you most definitely know you deserve a weekend of doing absolutely nothing. 


7. Step away from social media

Yep. This may be the hardest item on this list for some of you out there but give it a try. Perhaps you've forgotten how far you've come in life or how much you've already achieved because you've been scrolling Facebook and Instagram for miles.


Just stop. Stop re-watching the Instagram story of that friend who's out on a trip. Stop going back and forth the Facebook post of your friend who just got engaged. Remember that you are running your own race so take your time. There's many other things you can devote your time to than social media.

8. Understand that sometimes, it's all about you

What better way to show yourself some love than manifesting that love in something tangible. Sometimes, we forget that we are kind, smart, and important just because we've been hearing nothing but negativity the past few days. 


Grab a cute notebook and give yourself time to appreciate you by writing down selfish lists like, 'What I like about myself', 'What makes me awesome', 'Why I deserve to be loved and to be happy'. This will help remind yourself of your strengths and beauty. Who else would be better to remind you of that than you?

9. Stare at yourself in the mirror

Stay with me here... Do this naked. Either in the morning before or after your shower or at night before you get dressed for bed. Look at yourself - your perfection and flaws. This is you. The one and only you. This is who you truly are - a creature as magnificent as the sun who deserves all the wonderful things in the world. Count your flaws, yes. But understand that this is what makes you you.


You are not alone in dealing with your physical flaws - other people deal with them too but those ones you see in the mirror, those are yours. Your battlescars from life. Find strength in them and know that those are what makes you a beautiful human.

10. Tell yourself what you like about yourself everyday

It can be hard to tell yourself what you love about you. So practice telling yourself everyday that you are a strong, independent woman! 

What do you do to show yourself some love? Share it with others and comment them below!

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