UPSIZE PH | Why It's Totally Okay to Make the First Move

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Why It's Totally Okay to Make the First Move

Why It's Totally Okay to Make the First Move

Relationships are tricky, confusing, frustrating, and most of all their great! Whether you win or lose it depends on how you look at it, you learn from failed relationships and eventually you move on to become stronger and find the person that’s right for you. However, when the first stage is deciding who to make the first move - girl, you know there is no shame for you to do it.


If you opt not to wait around for the person to ask you out then gather all your wits and senses and just do it- nobody ever got anywhere by waiting around. It’s scary as heck to make the first move but here are some things to consider when you decide to take the plunge:

Your feelings for your crush

Chances are if you don’t have strong feelings for your crush then you wouldn’t even be bothered by the lack of progress to your relationship or even consider making a move on them. It’s either you like them or you don’t. Think real hard and reflect on what you feel about your crush if it’s worth going through the fear of rejection from making the first move-then, by all means, go for it because only you can say if it’s worth it.


Thinking too much

Don’t overcomplicate it, trust me you’ll eat yourself alive by thinking too much. If you fill your head with all these scenarios that could happen if you make the first move on your crush then odds are you’ll scare yourself from doing it and end up regretting it in the long run. No one wants to be rejected but ask yourself if you’re only imagining the bad things that could happen and not even considering the good things. Give it a chance and don’t let fear dictate your actions.


Not being yourself

Let’s be honest, when you really like someone you tend to go overboard with trying to please them and get them to like you as much as you like them. By letting yourself morph into someone you’re not, someone who pretends to like something just to have something in common, someone who exaggerates their life to seem more interesting, and just not be their authentic self.

Would you really want your crush to like your pretend self rather than the real you? No. Be honest and just be yourself.


Finding the courage

Finally, you’re all set to ask the person of your dreams out, however, there’s just the problem of actually doing it. Whether through text or in person the choice is up to you, anxiety and nervousness are completely normal but just focus on breathing and compose yourself to walk right up to them (if you opt for in person) and just straight up ask them- don’t beat around the bush and prolong your pain.

If you opt for text them type your message and once you’re sure to send it out before you even think about backing out or doing it later - close your eyes and hit send! Then pat yourself on the back for conquering your fears!


A word of advice, don’t beat yourself up if you don’t get the result that you wanted instead be proud and happy that you took the leap and made the move! You won’t have any regrets and keep asking yourself “What if?.” in the future and you’re developing yourself to be more confident in approaching people and just moving forward to get what you want.

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