UPSIZE PH | 4 Good Things About Ageing That You Probably Haven't Realized Yet

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4 Good Things About Ageing That You Probably Haven't Realized Yet

4 Good Things About Ageing That You Probably Haven't Realized Yet

When one is young it’s easy to dismiss others’ ageing woes with such detachment. Until one finally reaches the late thirty something years onwards to forties, when the truths and details of ageing truly set in. There’s usually such winsome abandon with this kind of topic as ageing seems to be a far-end reality for many youngsters. But this stage could mean refocusing on one’s life as a woman at the threshold of change. 


Ageing doesn’t mean anything bad. In fact, here are 4 good things you probably should take notice of:

1. Your perspective of youth changes as you get older.

Whereas before one sees youth literally as a chronological age, getting older year after year could lead a self-respecting skincare fan to shelves over shelves of personally-chosen anti-ageing products which aim to relive one’s youthful looks. Unless one doesn’t mind the wrinkles and the badge of crease on the face as  proof of age, then having a skincare collection in one’s vanity stash, could be a pick-me-upper during those days when one simply feels the need to feel just as “young” and “beautiful” as a woman can be at any age.


To most of us women at that helm of change, embracing an outlook of youthfulness rests in one’s heart. Age is just a number, so they say but a woman who wants to defy ageing, sees this effort as having a sort of philosophical take to test what one can still do or can’t do amidst those beauty challenges. Having a youthful connection with the world, it would be a more positive approach than looking at ageing as a not-so-glorious-phase. Modern women should debunk the myth that it’s okay to let yourself go as you age with wrinkled skin, silver streaks, and all.

2. You chase back the things that keep you happy and contented. 

In the perspective of a mom, a woman could feel constant pressure amidst years of domestic and child-rearing obligations which could drain her creativity energy. At some point after getting a lull from doing mommy duties, one would simply yearn going back to the basics and simply relishing the moment.


Domesticity and motherhood past the adjustment stage could really leave a mom uninspired and going for the ordinariness of daily life.  But really she simply can’t allow herself  to face a day without youthful enthusiasm. Thus, I think a mom in whatever age or stage in life should recreate herself to become valuable beyond the duties of home/work. This way she can truly feel empowered.

3. One learns to accept one’s imperfections and that of others.

This is really a key to understanding. The more a woman embraces idealistic and perfectionist standards, the more she would feel frustrated as one age along. Hence, the more peaceful mindset is to let people and things be, because in the universal order of things, each has her own learning and living space.


To age gracefully a woman must be at peace by being forgiving of what she can’t do and what she failed to do. Because no woman, no matter how she tries to be one, can really be a wonder woman in the superhero mold, in the literal sense of the word. 

4. Ageing can lead to contentment once one has finally defined herself and accepted her true self.

When we’re young we tend to be sensitive of others’ view and perspective of us. As one age we slowly accept the fact that we can’t please everyone and that we really must know ourselves--our strengths and weakness, in order to succeed in our chosen vocation. A realization of who one is, in  the face of changing times is crucial to ensure contentment, when one is no longer a twenty-bopper. Hence, what used to be you in your 20s or 30s, could change when you get older because one’s personality not just looks, could also evolve with time.


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