UPSIZE PH | Basic and Easy Tips to Achieve 'Beach Body'

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Basic and Easy Tips to Achieve 'Beach Body'

Basic and Easy Tips to Achieve 'Beach Body'

The sun is out and the tan line season is here as blazing hot and as sexy as ever. Everyone is busy planning their summer getaways and Instagram worthy OOTDs for that picture perfect shot out in the sun.

However, before all that comes hard work to achieve the most coveted summer body - all abs and no flabs. 

What do we really know about achieving this kind of body? Check out these beach body tips to learn more:

Drink H2O all day every day

Trade in your love affair with caffeine and alcohol for a newfound appreciation for water. Add some zesty fruits to switch things up and drinking at least 6-8 glasses of water a day will help in boosting your metabolism. Not only will you appear slimmer, you'll seem more toned due to the water reserve below your muscle that adds that much-loved definition to the body.


Lose weight with proper sleep

Who doesn't love sleep? Especially since getting an adequate amount of sleep will speed up your metabolism, so get at least six to eight hours of quality shut-eye every day. Help your body restore itself during sleep, and feel more reenergize during the mornings.


Set realistic goals

Before setting off to the gym and planning your meals for the week take some time at the start to set your goal weight and your timeframe to achieve it. This will help keep your eye on the prize and prevent you from falling off the pedestal and missing a workout or cheating on your diet.


Cardio Exercises

Health and fitness go hand in hand in achieving that goal body that you've always desired, and lots of discipline and sweat. Starting off with cardio-intensive exercises that will help you burn calories, speed up your metabolism, and improve your cardiovascular health.


Love Your Body

No matter what goal you set out to achieve with your body, always remember that self-love is the most powerful form of motivation to trigger change and embrace the skin you're in! Besides, beach body is nothing but YOUR BODY AT THE BEACH! Whatever skin you're in, embrace it and enjoy the summer!!

Ladies, you are all beautiful don't let anyone say otherwise!


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