UPSIZE PH | 6 Tips on How to Deal with Office Politics As Told by The Office Gifs

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6 Tips on How to Deal with Office Politics As Told by The Office Gifs

6 Tips on How to Deal with Office Politics As Told by The Office Gifs

Friends or family members, even colleagues remind us how crazy the real working world can be whenever we complain about the toxicity of adult life. And one atrocious aspect of adulthood, really, is dealing with office politics.


It's something we have known to be true, but we somehow managed to deny its reality, as if by some twist of fate, we are immune to the effects of the dog-eat-dog world we live in. 

So whether you are an unwilling player in the game of office chairs (haha!) or perhaps is a lucky, just curious one, we have some advice for you.

Know your goals.

It is important to set the objective early in the game. Are you in your workplace to make friends, to be popular among all the other employees, or to be in the bosses' good graces? Or are you there simply to get the work done?


This will determine your future actions, and you better be mindful and cautious of the steps you're taking in pursuit of your goal.


It pays to be observant in your work environment. No, we don't mean playing Sherlock-esque with your officemates. (Though it does pay to notice the small things like a cute, little succulent added on your colleague's desk.)  But, at the very least, you ought to know who gets along with whom. 


Listen to what your fellow employees say (which doesn't necessarily translate to being an eavesdropper!), and be attentive as well to what people don't say. Focus on the visual cues, their posture and hand gestures, especially when they're talking to you.

Govern your own behavior. 

The best employee is not always the most senior in the team, or the most skilled, or the most obedient to the bosses' whims. Often, it is someone who is dedicated to her work and has a mind of her own. 

You may not want to be recognized as the "best" among your peers, but we're pretty sure you want to do excellent work. So speak up when you have to, but be wary as well that there may be vultures lurking around, just waiting for a small mistake, or a boo-boo, from your end… before they pounce on you.

Maintain your integrity.

When you commit to doing something, you better accomplish it. This builds your profile as a responsible and dependable employee. 


Likewise, in case of heated arguments, always try to keep your calm. Your colleagues will respect you for your patience and level-headedness. If it helps, take some time off to cool down in the restroom cubicle where you are all by yourself.


But never allow yourself to be a victim, may it be of bullying or power-tripping. Be confident and assertive, especially when you know you're telling the truth.

Build your network.

Human beings are naturally social. We cling to friends and families, and we can't help but establish connections whenever we go.


The same is true in the office. It helps to know at least someone in the different departments of your company, across all levels. And, yes, that includes befriending not just your teammates, but also the security guard and the messenger. Respect begets respect, as they say.


But most importantly, maintain your good relationships outside work. When office politics gets too stressful for you, a handful of genuine friends will always save the day. 

Don't rely on confidentiality.

Sure, you and your peer are besties! You trust her with your life, and she says she trusts hers with yours. This does not mean you should be sharing your innermost thoughts and secrets with her, too. 


No, it's not being dishonest. But there really are just times when a word you say may be misconstrued, and, before you know it, everything boils down to you being the 'kontrabida' in an office drama. No one wants that.


So unless it is absolutely necessary, keep your opinion about that new office hottie to yourself. Nope, don't share even how you managed to spend your false SL with your special someone.

Being a participant in office politics is inevitable, especially when it's entrenched in the culture of your workplace. But at the end of the day, remember that it is up to you what sort of player you would be. 


I guess the only way to survive this so-called dog-eat-dog world is to not be a dog in the first place. But the real world can be inevitably bananas so if you feel like the work environment you're in is already too toxic for you, then go ahead, file that resignation, and start fresh.

Just remember that wherever you end up building your career, keep up the good work, gurl! Hard work pays off in the end, always.


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