UPSIZE PH | 3 Reasons Why We're So Glad About Get-Togethers

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3 Reasons Why We're So Glad About Get-Togethers

3 Reasons Why We're So Glad About Get-Togethers

Even if you basically do it every single year, December will always be the season for reunions. Your lolos and lolas don’t seem to get tired of asking you when you’re gonna settle down and your titas will always ask you why you seemed to have gotten fatter. Your amigas will never get tired of asking you if you plan to have children the same way your old mentors will always be asking you what the next step in your career would be.


Regardless of some of these annoying questions we get during holiday reunions, we’ll always be glad for the moment we spend with these important people in our lives. Here are some of the reasons why we’d always be glad about get-togethers.

The chikka.

Let’s be honest - the one major thing Filipinos love about reunions is all the catching up. It’s nice and funny to hear stories about your high school classmates becoming professionals or finding out your secret college crush was actually gay.


The people.

Most of the time, it doesn’t even matter where you have the reunion or what is served. What matters is the people surrounding the table, sharing their stories, and learning from each other’s experiences. We’re particularly glad that most of the closest people in our lives make themselves available during the holidays for some quick get-together. Moments like these give us a chance to rekindle our relationships with our family and friends. We remember why we’ve been holding these people so close and dear to our hearts for a long time.


The food.

C’mon, Tita Baby may always be asking you weird questions but she’s always been making the best pansit ever as well. There’s something about the warmth of food and burst of colors on a Filipino table that will forever be special. Besides, it’s always been fun to share delicious meals with friends and family.


But the best part about Filipino feasts is that there is enough food for you to take home some of the ones you really liked most. As hosts or guests, we have to make sure that the dishes are kept well so they remain fresher longer. For this, we like to use Glad’s wraps, bags, and containers! There will always be too much food on a Filipino table and we like having multiple selections of food so it’s best that we use reliable products and make sure our food is kept safe.


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