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5 Apps You Can Use to Help Manage Your Finances

Money makes the world go round and round, however, it also makes people broke within a matter of hours. Spending is everyone’s guilty past time and it’s something that you have to constantly control and improve on or else you’ll be drowning in debt by the next payday.

Here are some must-have apps that will help you track and build up a money saving habit:

You Need A Budget (YNAB)

This app aims to help you stop living off paycheck to paycheck and live more mindful about how you’re spending your hard-earned money. It’s built around the principle of assigning a job to every buck you make. Each peso is allocated to a category where it will stay and not be used for anything else other than its intended purpose.

You Need A Budget


Aside from its cute name, this app is for those who have trouble keeping up with their expenses by manually logging in their spendings. Instead, it lets you simply take a picture of your receipt and if you use geolocation on your device, it fills in the information, and you can generate a report later on.


Get Wally on iOS and Android.


If you’re a freelancer then you’ve most likely encountered the dreaded late payments or IOU clients that keep delaying payments for jobs already done. It sucks and you often forget about it, not anymore with the tycoon app. This app is specially designed to cater to a freelancer's special needs, such as calculating take-home pay minus agent commission so you can decide whether or not to even accept a gig. It also makes it easy to see at a glance which clients have not paid you yet.


Pocket Guard

Want to see everything in an organize tab or dashboard? Then definitely give this app a download and all you have to do is to link all your financial accounts and it will help you track your spending compared to your budget throughout the month. The app even has a feature to help you track each individual bill and find opportunities to save.


Get PocketGuard on iOS and Android.

Money Manager

This app is an easy and effective one look glance dashboard at your daily, weekly, and monthly expenses. It even has a feature that you can debit and credit your earnings and spendings so you can effectively manage your day to day spending without much hassle. You can get it on Android.

Money Manager