UPSIZE PH | The Out-of-Your-Comfort Zone Bucket List

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The Out-of-Your-Comfort Zone Bucket List

The Out-of-Your-Comfort Zone Bucket List

No one is too old or too young to have a bucket list. It's a goal guide for adventures or maybe a stickler of efforts to have a more exhilarating and fulfilling life.

1. Do a backpack adventure or travel solo.


Nothing easily spells adventure like this one. Imagine discovering a city or a tourist attraction without the company of your besties or chaperones. You must be of proper age when traveling solo though. Make sure you do enough planning and get your things ready.

There is something very exciting and life-changing with traveling alone. It brings a different experience and perspective unlike traveling with companions. You should try it at least once... Twice.. Or maybe even thrice.

2. Stand up to your bully and the people who hurt you.


Have you been bullied in grade school, college, or former office? Don't let your fear haunt you into cowardice and prevent you from connecting with your ex-officemates or schoolmates. Make amends or simply learn to forgive and forget and move on with a more positive outlook in life.

3. Let yourself fall in love, without calculations.


Love is something un-mechanical. It is sometimes devoid of reason - maybe it's fate, maybe it's choice. But still, love is something always worth experiencing. It may or may not end up hurting feelings but there is nothing negative that came out of love.

4. Write your own, personal story.


Forget about blogging or vlogging and give being an old school writer/indie author a shot. It's not just for expert writers but for anyone who's got a story where others can learn from. You'll never know who you could inspire. You'll never know whose life you can bring an impact on.

5. Master a sport you never thought you'd do.


What if your adrenaline connects you to the right people or maybe give you a different perspective? A sport ups the ante of your different aspects in your life. Plus, you get a fitter, healthier body while having fun!

6. Prove 'em wrong.


If you have experienced certain negative people saying things about what you can or cannot do, it's time to step up and prove them wrong. Achieve success against their expectations but always remember that you're doing it for you and not for anyone else.

7. Adult.


So maybe you've been dependent on others for the longest time to attend to the nitty gritty details of your domestic needs. Maybe in time, find the beauty of simplicity in doing the day to day chores.

8. Have a makeover.


A bucket list is not complete without getting a makeover. It's time to redefine yourself and match how you want to present yourself to the world. Perhaps get that haircut or hair color you've always wanted to try or maybe try on a different style. Update your wardrobe or tone them down to match your lifestyle.

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