UPSIZE PH | How to Have a Fresh Start for 2018

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How to Have a Fresh Start for 2018

How to Have a Fresh Start for 2018

2018 came in a flurry of stunning fireworks all over the world and we share your surprise on how fast time flies. It wasn't so long ago when we were seeking that fresh start from the New Year, and now we're on the second day of the new year.

If you're still hung up on the past year, stop wondering how quick 2017 was and read up on how do you say good bye to a year filled with success, failures, fear, and happiness.

1. Make peace with the plans not meant to happen...that year.


You didn't get the job you thought was yours already. The relationship that was supposed to be the one didn't pan out. Chin up. Cheer up. Today is offering another chance to grab that dream and meet someone new. Too late are two words that shouldn't be uttered as you welcome another fresh start.

2. In continuing relationships, consider quality over quantity.


As the year draws to a close, beautiful relationships await to fill the gap of the unenduring ones you'll leave behind. Stress that arose from the several toxic situations this year may have caused you to rethink in proceeding with the one you're in right now.

3. Get out of the comfortable.


We're not talking about drastic changes that could cause upheaval in your life. Little things that could make subtle opportunities for you to be better. Won't it be better to try something first than keep wondering whether it would work out? The comfort zone is quite a pleasant place to stay in, but this year might just give you a better version of pleasant should you decide to step out of the cozy for a while.

4. Forgive other people, including yourself.


Bringing negativity from last year should not be one of the things you should include in your to-do list.  It's tough to let go of the hurt, but keeping it with you forever won't be helpful either.

5. Be grateful for the year that was.


2017 gave you opportunities to make choices in matters of career, love, friendship and other aspects of your life and there's something uniquely beautiful about having that second, third chance. As you say good bye to 2017, you're about to welcome another 365 days of fresh starts and that's something to look forward to.

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