UPSIZE PH | How to Win a Guy in 10 Ways

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How to Win a Guy in 10 Ways

How to Win a Guy in 10 Ways

Admit it - we all have that one guy in our lives that we have a massive crush on. It's literally the 21st century and there's nothing wrong if you drop him little hints or make the first move to talk. 

So how in the world will you be able to win a guy in 10 days? We tell you how: 

1. Smile


Truth of the matter is, no one really ever liked a Resting Bitch Face. Ever. 

2. Be approachable


How is a guy going to have the nerve to ask you out if you aren’t even approachable? Your body language should be inviting. Avoid crossing your arms over your chest or turning your back away when spoken to. 

3. Be engaging


Be positive and interesting when in a conversation. Be witty and candid - - getting to know a person better is best learnt when talking to each other.  

4. Love yourself


A guy is more likely to notice a girl who is sure and can carry herself in public. When you’re happy with yourself, it radiates and is likely to get the attention of any guy. This always makes a good impression on anyone. 

5. Learn to have fun


This is related to number 4. It just resonates when a girl knows how to have a good time with friends. People will see you as friendly and approachable and easy to get along with. You would want that, right? 

6. Don’t be such an attention seeker


Yes, we understand you want to get the attention of the guy but that doesn’t mean you would do even the cringe-worthy stuff just to get his eye. Remember, you want him to like you, not to start running the other way.  

7.  Ditch the negative vibes


No one likes a person who is just negative about every single thing possible. Guys warm up to girls who are balls of sunshine and happiness. Be that creature. A happy, positive you will attract not just guys but opportunities, too. 

8. Show your intelligence


Gone were the days when it was uncalled for that a girl be ashamed of being knowledgeable. Just because your IQ is way higher than the guy you like, doesn’t mean you shy away and stop conversing. The next time you decide to conceal your intelligence, let Nadine Lustre’s famous line “C’mon guys, it’s 2017!” remind you it’s perfectly okay to be the brainy one in the relationship. 

9. Be a woman a guy wants to figure out


Guys like the mystery. You don’t need to tell him everything about yourself on the first date! There’s no need to be available for him every single time, too. Let him figure you out. Focus on improving yourself constantly. Even if you make the first move. 

10. Be independent


Guys like it when a woman is able to take care of herself without depending on others. A woman who is able to do this will easily get the attention of guys. Learn the basics and you’re sure to get his attention, stat. 

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